Install and enable Quality Insight

This section describes how to install and enable Quality Insight. You can install Quality Insight on a virtual machine with 4GB memory.

Uninstall Global Search

In ALM 16.00, Global Search is included in Quality Insight. If you have installed Global Search before ALM 16.00, after the upgrade, to continue using Global Search, uninstall Global Search and then install Quality Insight.

We recommend you install Quality Insight in a different server than where Global Search is installed.

  1. Uninstall Global Search.

  2. (Only required if you install Quality Insight in the same server as Global Search) Clear the embedded JDK path in system environment variables.

    1. Remove the following variables:

      • JAVA_HOME

      • JDK_HOME

      • JRE_HOME

    2. Remove the embedded JDK path from the Path variable.

  1. Install the JAVA JDK 8 environment.

Create a Quality Insight dedicated user

Before you install Quality Insight, you must first create an ALM user dedicated for Quality Insight. During the installation process, you will be required to fill in the username and password of the Quality Insight user that was defined in ALM Site Administration.

For details about how to create an ALM user and update the user details, see User management.

By default, when the new user is created, the new user's permissions are set to "Viewer". This is what is required for Quality Insight for security reasons. So at this point, you do not need to change the settings. When required, the user groups and permissions can be modified in the ALM Project Customization window in the Groups and Permissions page. For more details, see Manage user groups and permissions.

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Install Quality Insight (Windows)

This section describes the steps required to install Quality Insight in Windows.

To install Quality Insight in Windows:

  1. Download ALM Quality Insight.
  2. Run the program. The InstallAnywhere wizard will guide you through the rest of the installation process.

  3. In the Quality Insight Welcome page, click Next to continue.

  4. In the Choose JDK/JRE Path page, select the path where your JDK/JRE package is stored, and click Next.

  5. In the Installation Folder Selection page, click Next to proceed to install the files into the Program Files directory (recommended), or click Choose to install to a different directory.

    Note: If you have not created a dedicated Quality Insight user in ALM Site Administration, make sure that you do so, before continuing to the next step. For details, see Create a Quality Insight dedicated user.

  6. Provide the following information, and click Next.

    UI Element


    Data location

    The location of the indexed data. Use the default location which is set to store the indexed data on the local Quality Insight machine, or change the location, as required.

    For example, to save the indexed data to a shared location, click Choose and enter the shared location in the Data location box. Changing the data location will prevent the indexed data from being deleted upon Quality Insight upgrade or uninstallation.

    ALM server URL

    Enter the URL of the ALM server

    If ALM is configured with SSL and the connection verification fails, check the ALM server URL and port, and proceed with the installation. After installation is completed, you will be able to add the required SSL certificate. For details, see Install and enable Quality Insight.

    Quality Insight user name

    Enter the username of the dedicated Quality Insight user, as defined in ALM Site Administration.

    SSO mode: If SSO is enabled for ALM, enter the API key client ID associated with the Quality Insight user.

    Quality Insight password

    Enter the password of the dedicated Quality Insight user.

    SSO mode: If SSO is enabled for ALM, enter the API key secret associated with the Quality Insight user.

    Enable Server to Server Authentication

    To add server to server authentication using a LWSSO token, select this option and add the InitString. The InitSring should be the same value as the defined for the COMMUNICATION_SECURITY_PASSPHRASE parameter.

    You can modify this option after installing Quality Insight by changing the iris-service file in <Quality Insight installation folder>\apache-tomcat-9.0.22\webapps\iris-service\WEB- INF\classes.

  7. In the Pre-Installation Summary page, review the details before continuing.

  8. Click Install to proceed with the installation. The Installing Quality Insight page opens, showing the installation progress.

    The installation validation page opens, prompting you to wait while Quality Insight is being configured.

    If the installation completes successfully, click Done to exit the installation wizard.

    If the installation completes with errors, check the installation log for details, and restart the computer to complete the installation.

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Install Quality Insight (Linux)

This section describes the steps required to install Quality Insight in Linux.

Note: Only users with root user permissions can execute the Quality Insight installation. The installation can be run in console mode only.

To install Quality Insight in Linux:

  1. Download ALM Quality Insight.
  2. Log in to the Linux machine. Add a user (not a root user) with root user permissions:

    "<created user name> ALL=(ALL) ALL" to the sudoers file under "root ALL=(ALL) ALL")

  3. Install Quality Insight using this user. Run the following chmod command to allow permissions for the installation files:

    Copy code
    su <created user name>sudo chmod  a+x QualityInsight.bin
    sudo chown –R  admin  "your installation path"     
    sudo  chmod a+rwx  "init.d folder path"        
  4. Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions. The wizard will guide you through the rest of the installation process.

  5. Press Enter to continue.

  6. Choose a destination folder for this installation. The default installation folder is: /var/opt/MicroFocus/Quality Insight
  7. Press Enter to continue.

    Note: If you have not created a dedicated Quality Insight user in ALM Site Administration, make sure that you do so, before continuing to the next step. For details, see Create a Quality Insight dedicated user.

  8. Configure Quality Insight settings, as described in the table below.

    Data location

    The location of the indexed data. Use the default location which is set to store the indexed data on the local Quality Insight machine, or change the location, as required. For example, to save the indexed data to a shared location, click Choose and enter the shared location in the Data location box. Changing the data location will prevent the indexed data from being deleted upon Quality Insight upgrade or uninstallation.

    ALM server URL

    Enter the URL of the ALM server

    If ALM is configured with SSL and the connection verification fails, check the ALM server URL and port, and proceed with the installation. After installation is completed, you will be able to add the required SSL certificate. For details, see Install and enable Quality Insight.

    Quality Insight user name

    Type the name of the dedicated Quality Insight user, as defined in ALM Site Administration.

    You can use API key to connect to the ALM server.

    Quality Insight password

    Type the password of the dedicated Quality Insight user.

    You can use API key to connect to the ALM server.

    Enable Server to Server Authentication

    To add server to server authentication using a LWSSO token, select this option and add the InitString. The InitSring should be the same value as the defined for the COMMUNICATION_SECURITY_PASSPHRASE parameter.

    You can modify this option after installing Quality Insight by changing the iris-service file in <Quality Insight installation folder>/apache-tomcat-9.0.22/webapps/iris-service/WEB- INF/classes.

  9. Press Enter to continue.

  10. Review the pre-installation summary details before continuing.
  11. Press Enter to proceed with the installation.

    The installation progress is displayed. You are prompted to wait while Quality Insight is being configured.

    If the installation completes successfully, press Enter to exit the installer.

    If the installation completes with errors, check the installation log for details, and restart the computer to complete the installation.

    After the installation is completed successfully, Quality Insight should be up and running.

  12. To start and stop the installed services, use the following command:

    Copy code
    service <MF_QI/MF_QI_ES> <start / stop >

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Enable Quality Insight in Site Administration

This section describes how to enable Quality Insight.


  1. Create a dedicated Quality Insight user. For more details, see Create a Quality Insight dedicated user.
  2. Set viewer permissions for the dedicated Quality Insight user (this is required for security reasons). By default, upon new user creation, the user's permissions are set to "Viewer". View and modify user groups and permissions in the ALM Project Customization window in the Groups and Permissions page. For more details, see Manage user groups and permissions.

  3. Set the ALLOW_WEBUI_ACCESS parameter value to Y. For details about how to configure parameters, see Set configuration parameters.

To enable Quality Insight:

As the site admin, you enable Quality Insight at the site level, and then project administrators can enable Quality Insight per project. For details, see Enable or disable Quality Insight.

Note: After enabling Quality Insight on a project, an indexing process is started, and it can take a few hours to complete, depending on the amount of data. Once the process is done, the project data is ready to be searched. For details on how to monitor the status of the indexing process, see Install and enable Quality Insight.

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Next steps: