Create defects

The Defects tab of Web Client enables you to create defects.

Submit defects to project

From the Defects tab, you can submit defects to your ALM project.

To submit a defect to your ALM project:

  1. Open the Defects tab.

  2. Click New Defect.

  3. Fill in defect details.

    Tab Description

    Provide the defect details.

    Attachments Add, delete, and download attachments.

Note: You can also submit defects when running a test instance from the Test Lab tab.

To submit a defect to a test run or test step, see Add or link a defect to the test run.

To submit a defect to a test step, see Add defects to a test step.

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Link defects

When running a test instance, you can link an existing defect to the test run. You can also link other defects or requirements to a defect.

To link a defect to a test run:

For details, see Link defects to test sets.

To link a defect to a test:

For details, see Link defects to tests.

To link other defects or requirements to a defect:

  1. Open the Defects tab. Open the defect to which you want to link defects or requirements.

  2. To link another defect to the current defect, in the Linked Entities > Defects tab, click Link Existing Defect and select By ID. Enter the defect ID and click Link.

    To link a requirement to the current defect, in the Linked Entities > Others tab, click Link From Requirement and select By ID. Enter the requirement ID and click Link.

    Alternatively, you can link a requirement to a defect from the Requirements tab. For details, see Link defects to requirements.

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Manage defects

You can view and filter defects. You can also edit defects where defect editing is enabled for the project.

To filter defects:

By default all defects are displayed. You can use the following filters to filter defects:

Filter. Opens the Filter dialog box that allows you to filter defects by the specified values of any defect fields, except the Comments and Description fields.

For details, see Filter records in Web Client.

Assigned to Me

Filters the defects that are assigned to you.

Click the down arrow next to and select Assigned to Me.

Detected by Me

Filters the defects that are detected by you.

Click the down arrow next to and select Detected by Me.


Filters on a selected private or public favorite that has been defined.

To view and edit defect details:

  1. Click the ID link to open the defect you want to view or edit.

    Tab Description
    Details Enables you to view and edit the defect details.
    Attachments Enables you to add, delete, and download attachments. Use the CTRL key to select multiple attachments.
    Link Entities

    Enables you to link the current defect to other defects or requirements.

    See Link defects.


    Shows the history of field changes of the defect.

    Only changes to defect fields that have History enabled are recorded.

    The latest change is displayed on the top of the list.

    To view history of a specific defect field, select the field from the Field drop-down list.

  2. Click OK to save.

To mass update defects:

You can update one field for multiple defects at one time.

  1. Select the defects you want to update. Click Update Selected.

  2. In the Update Field drop-down list, select the field you want to update. In the Value field, enter the new value for the selected field.

    If you select the Ignore errors, no errors pop up during the update. The defects with errors are not updated.

  3. Click Update.

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