Install server manually on UNIX

You can install the Deployment Automation server manually. Use this method on UNIX systems for which the interactive or silent installers are not provided.

Linux and AIX: The interactive and silent installers are available. For details, see Install server.

To install the server manually on UNIX:

  1. Set up your database. For a typical installation, use Oracle. For details, see Prepare your database.

    Note: Use Derby only if your installation is for evaluation or test purposes. Derby is included in the da.war file, and you set it up it as part of the Deployment Automation configuration.

  2. If Common Tomcat is not installed, install it by running the Common Tomcat installer. If you can't run the installer, install Tomcat according to instructions the Apache documentation.

    When installing Common Tomcat, follow these guidelines:

    • Install the version of Tomcat supported by your version of Deployment Automation. For supported versions, see the Support Matrix.
    • Do not use the root user or super user to own and run Tomcat. Any new files created are owned by the user running Tomcat, so this should be a user who you want to be authorized to remove or overwrite any files under Tomcat.
    • Set 755 permissions for the Tomcat installation location.
    • After the installation, start Common Tomcat and verify that it is installed properly by entering its URL in a web browser, for example, http://localhost:8080.

      As only the owning user has write permission in the Tomcat location, this is the user who must start and stop Tomcat.

  3. Download and install the JDBC driver specific to the database edition you are using, and save it in the Tomcat lib directory.

  4. Install JRE 11.0 or OpenJDK 11.0 if it is not installed.

  5. Set the environment variables for the owning user's session to point to this location, such as adding the JRE paths to the PATH environment variable and setting JAVA_HOME.
  6. From the Software Licensing and Downloads portal (requires login), download the Deployment Automation Server WAR Installer (opentext_da-other<version>.zip), and extract the da.war file.

  7. Stop Common Tomcat.

  8. Copy and paste the da.war file to your Common Tomcat webapps directory.

  9. Start Common Tomcat.

    When running, the server automatically unpacks the da.war file.

  10. In your web browser, navigate to http://<serverName>:8080/da.

    The configuration setup is displayed.

  11. Modify configuration parameters as needed:

    • Install location.

    • External Web URL.

    • Agent port and choice of mutual authentication.

    • Database (port, schema, user, password).

  12. Click Install.
  13. Set 755 permissions for the profile directory and its subdirectories for the user who runs the installation.

    Default server profile location:


    Note: CodeStation, the Deployment Automation repository, is by default under the profile directory structure. If you move it, make sure to set the same level of permissions for the new location. For details, see Relocate the repository.

When the server installation is complete, the Deployment Automation login page opens.

After installing the server, continue with the next steps in the Installation checklist.

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See also: