Run application processes

Application processes deploy artifacts for a single application. To deploy to a particular environment, you run the application process defined for that environment.

For details about deployment, see Run deployment processes.

To run an application process:

  1. Navigate to Management > Applications > [select application].

  2. Select the Environments tab.

  3. Click the name of the environment where you want to perform the deployment and select Run Process. The Run Application Process wizard is displayed with the application and environment preselected.

    Note: If environments are in a pipeline and the pipeline is mandatory, the Run Process command appears only for the first environment.

  4. In the Process section, select the process you want to run and click Next.

  5. In the Options section, select Only Changed Version to ensure that only changed versions are deployed. If selected, no previously deployed versions are deployed.

    For example, if you select a specific version that was already deployed, it is not redeployed. Do not select this option if you want to deploy a version regardless of whether it was already deployed, such as when the inventory is out of date.

  6. (Optional) To use a snapshot, select it from the Snapshot list. The deployment automatically uses the component versions defined for the snapshot. For details, see Snapshots.

  7. If you did not select a snapshot, select a component version from the Version list. If more than one component is mapped to the application, each one is listed separately.

    Version Description
    None No version for this component. Useful when performing multicomponent deployments or testing.
    Specific Version Enables you select any version already in CodeStation.
    Latest Version Automatically uses the most recently imported version.
    Latest With Status Automatically uses the most recently imported version with the specified status. Example status values are: Latest (default value), Passed Test, Archived.
    All With Status Deploys all component versions with the selected status.
    All in Environment Deploys all component versions already deployed in the environment with the selected status.
    All in Environment (Reversed) Deploy in reverse order all component versions already deployed in the environment with the selected status. Example statuses are Active (default) or Staged.
  8. (Optional) Add a description for the application process request.

  9. Click Submit to start the process.

    When a process starts, the Request page is displayed where you can review the progress. After the request completes, you can review the results on that and other related pages. For details, see Analyze deployments.

    People notified for any approvals must approve or reject. For details, see Approve requests.

    Note: If gate conditions are defined for a target environment, the component versions or snapshots are deployed into that environment only if their status meets those conditions. For details, see Create gates.

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See also: