Run Deployment Automation

This topic describes how to start and stop Deployment Automation services, log in to Deployment Automation, and what permissions you need to run agents.

Start and stop the server

The installer installs Deployment Automation under the application server and starts the service automatically.

To start or stop the server service:

Windows Use Administrative Tools > Services to start or stop Common Tomcat.

Run the associated command script:

  1. Navigate to the Common Tomcat bin directory:


  2. To start the server, run the following:

    To stop the server, run the following:

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Log in to Deployment Automation

After you have completed at minimum a server installation, log in to the user interface to start configuring Deployment Automation.

To access the Deployment Automation user interface:

  1. In your web browser, enter the following URL:


    Use the host name and port for the application server where you installed Deployment Automation. The default port is 8080 for Common Tomcat.

  2. Log in to the server using the credentials (Username and Password) you set up during the server installation.

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Start and stop an agent relay

If you install the agent relay as a service, the agent relay service doesn't start automatically after the installation. By default, it is set to manual start.

Note: You must start the agent relay before starting any agents that communicate through it.

To start or stop an agent relay service:


On your agent relay machine, use Administrative Tools > Services to start or stop the agent relay.

By default, the agent relay service is named agentrelay.


On your agent relay machine, run the associated command script:

  1. Navigate to the <relay_install_directory>/bin directory.

  2. To start the agent relay in a new shell, run the following: agentrelay start

    To stop the agent relay, run the following: agentrelay stop

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Start and stop an agent

By default, the agent service doesn't start automatically after the installation. It is set to manual start.

Note: If you are using an agent relay, you must start it before starting any agents that communicate through it.

To start or stop an agent service:

Windows Use Administrative Tools > Services to start or stop the agent, DA-Agent.

Run the associated command script:

  1. Navigate to the <agent_install_directory>/core/bin directory.

  2. To start or stop the agent, run the following: agent {start|stop}

    Note: For details about configuring agents to start automatically under a dedicated account, see the Community website.

After you have started the agent, go to Management > Resources in the Deployment Automation user interface and select the Agents tab. The agent is displayed with a Connected status.

Agent permissions

Each agent needs the appropriate permission to communicate with the Deployment Automation server.

For production environments, create a user account dedicated to running the agent on the machine where the agent is installed. For simple evaluations, the administrative user can run the agent on the server machine.

As a user running the agent, you need the following minimum permissions:

Permission Description
Create a cache By default, the cache is located in the home directory of the user running the agent. You can move or disable the cache.
Open a TCP connection The agent uses a TCP connection to communicate with the server's JMS port.
Open a HTTP(S) connection The agent must be able to connect to the Deployment Automation user interface to download artifacts from CodeStation.
Access the file system Many agents need read/write permission to items on the file system.

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Start and stop a component integrator

If installed as a Windows service in its default configuration, the component integrator service is set to a manual start.

To start or stop a component integrator service:


On the component integrator machine, use Administrative Tools > Services to start or stop the service.

By default, the service is named component-integrator.


On the component integrator machine, run the associated command script:

  1. Go to the <component_integrator_installation>/bin directory.

  2. To start the component integrator, run: start

    To stop the component integrator, run: stop

After you have started the component integrator, verify that the component integrator can connect to the server. In Deployment Automation, go to Management > Component Integrators. A connected component integrator is displayed with an Online status.

For details on how to work with component integrators, see Manage component integrators.

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See also: