View deployment timelines

Use deployment timelines to get information about scheduled and running events, such a processes and blackouts, and link to more details about each event.

To view timeline information:

  • To view the timeline of all deployments and blackouts completed or planned in a specified time period on your Deployment Automation server, navigate to Deployment > Timeline.
  • To view the timeline of all deployments and blackouts for each application environment in a specified time period, navigate to Management > Environments > [select environment] > Timeline.

Note: To view version and deployment history cleanups in a specified time period, use the administration timeline. In the web interface, navigate to Administration > Timeline.

The following table describes what you can do on the Deployment Timeline page.

Task Description
Filter by entity

Select to view deployments for applications, components, snapshots, or deployment packages.

In environment timelines, only applications and deployment packages selections are available.

Search Search for a process request to narrow the list of displayed requests.
Filter by owner

Filter events by the owner:

  • Owned by me

  • Owned by anybody

Change timeline view
  • To view the timeline as a calendar (default), click the Show Calendar View icon. Select from the year, month, week, or day view.

    The month and year views provide a graphical summary of events by status for a specific day or month. The Unknown status indicates process requests that were submitted in Deployment Automation 6.3.2 or earlier and haven't been recalculated by background jobs. For details about background jobs, see Upgrade server configuration.

  • To view the timeline as a list of events, click the Show Grid View icon. The grid view displays the current month.

Navigate in the timeline Use navigation arrows to change the year, month, week, or day displayed in the calendar.
View a list of events for a specific date or period

To view a list of events for a specific day or month, click the relevant calendar block. Depending on the view, the following details are displayed:

  • Status. The event's status, for example, Success, Failed, Completed or Scheduled. Point to a status icon to view a quick summary.

  • Time. The time of the event.

  • Name. The name of the process or blackout. Click the name link to open the event's page.

  • Application. The application associated with the event. Click the name link to open the application's page.

  • Component. The component for the process. Click the name link to open to the component's page.

  • Process version. The version of the process.

  • Environment / Resource. The environment associated with the event. Click the name link to open to the environment's page.

  • Deployment owner. The user who runs the event.

Edit or delete scheduled events To edit or delete a scheduled process or blackout, click the corresponding icon next to the event. For details on how to schedule deployments and blackouts, see Schedule deployments and Set deployment blackouts.

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See also: