What's new in UFT Mobile

The new features and enhancements are introduced in the UFT Mobile version 2022 release.

What's new video

Watch the What's New video to learn about the new features included in UFT Mobile 2022.

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Public devices

You can now run your tests on the Micro Focus fleet of public devices. This is in addition to the many deployment options that UFT mobile provides. With public devices you can easily scale-up and test on more concurrent devices when needed. You can also further increase your coverage and test on a greater variety of devices, without having to purchase and maintain additional devices. For details, see Connect Micro Focus hosted public devices.

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WeTest integration

A new integration extends UFT Mobile's many deployment options and enables you to test on devices hosted for you by Tencent WeTest. For details, see Connect a Tencent WeTest device.

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New dashboard widgets

UFT Mobile now includes two additional device widgets that show the distribution of devices by manufacturer and model. These widgets provide more in-depth information about the devices in the lab. This information can assist decision making regarding what additional devices or models to purchase, or which models to assign to a specific workspace. For details, see The UFT Mobile dashboard.

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Appium v2 support

The UFT Mobile embedded Appium v2 server was upgraded to v2 Beta 40. Use the appiumVersion capability to run Appium v2 tests.

For details, see UFT Mobile Appium Capabilities.

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Management improvements

This release introduces several management improvements.

Bulk operations

Bulk operations enable you to work more efficiently and productively. Admins can now perform the following operations in bulk:

Users list

The option to export the list of UFT Mobile users to a CSV file was also added. You can import the list of users into UFT Mobile with the existing CLI tool. For details, see Manage users.

App uploads

In this release, there is no auto-packaging toggle on the Apps page, and apps are uploaded without packaging by default. By removing this global toggle, you no longer need to waste resources on unnecessary signing and packaging.

Whenever you upload an Android app, you can select whether to also upload a packaged and signed version of the app. When uploading an iOS app, there are now separate options for signing and packaging. For details, see Upload an app.

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Deprecated technologies

iOS versions earlier than 11 are no longer supported.

For details on supported environments, see the Support matrix.

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See also: