Assign a lifecycle to object types

In the Administration Console, you can assign lifecycles to object types and edit lifecycle states and transitions.


In the Object Types section of the Administration Console, you can work with lifecycles associated with object types:

  • View the states and transitions of lifecycles as well as associated graphical images.

  • Assign a lifecycle to an object type for a specific product.

  • Edit the details of the lifecycle associated with an object type. The lifecycle may also be used by a number of other object classes and types.

  • Edit or delete lifecycle transitions and states.

For details about the user interface of the Lifecycles tab, see Object Types content area.

To assign, unassign, or edit lifecycles for object types, you need the Manage Lifecycles privilege.

Note: To perform other tasks with lifecycles, go to Administration Console > Configuration Object Management > Lifecycles. For details, see Lifecycle management.

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Assign a lifecycles to an object type

You can associate a lifecycle with an object type, change the lifecycle assignment, or unassign the assigned lifecycle.

Note: The lifecycle for a design part is set to LC_PART and cannot be changed.

To assign or unassign a lifecycle for an object type:

  1. In the Administration Console, go to Configuration Object Management > Object type definitions.

  2. In the Object Types navigation pane, select the relevant object type.

  3. In the content pane, select the Lifecycle tab.

  4. In the Lifecycle Details section, click the Assign Lifecycle button.

  5. In the Assign Lifecycle dialog box, select a lifecycle from the Name list.

    To unassign a lifecycle, select None from the list.

  6. Click OK.

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Edit an object type's lifecycle

You can edit the details, states, or transitions of the lifecycle assigned to an object type.

To edit a lifecycle for an object type:

  1. In the Administration Console, go to Configuration Object Management > Object type definitions.

  2. In the Object Types navigation pane, select the relevant object type.

  3. In the content pane, select the Lifecycle tab.

  4. In the Lifecycle Flow section, click the Edit Lifecycle Flow button.

  5. In the Edit Lifecycle dialog box, update the lifecycle states, transitions, and rules. For details, see Edit Lifecycle dialog box.

  6. Click Close.

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See also: