CM Phase Usage dialog box

The CM Phase Usage dialog box displays the permitted operations at each CM phase for a specified request type.

In a grid view of CM phases and operations, you can check which operations are permitted at which phase. For details, see CM rules for request lifecycles.

The following operations may be permitted or not:

Operation Description
Relate Design Parts Relating design parts to the request.
Relate Items As Affected Relating items as affected by the request.
Relate Items in Response To Relating items as in response to the request.
Relate Change Docs Relating other requests to the request.
Update Attributes Updating the attributes of the request.

The following phases are available for requests:

Phase Description
Off Normal All those states which are not part of the normal lifecycle, and are not final states.
Held When the request has been created and held, and is only visible to the user who created it.
Create The phase when a request has been created.
Analysis The normal lifecycle states during which implementation of the change is analyzed and planned.
Analysis & Work All normal lifecycle states between the Create phase and the Frozen phase, as an alternative to having been assigned separate Analysis and Work phases.
Work The normal lifecycle states during which the change is actually implemented.
Frozen The normal lifecycle states following the Work phase, but before the final state.

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