Define upload rules
In the Administration Console, you can create and modify rules to control which files can be uploaded to Dimensions CM, IDEs, and IDE projects.
To create, copy, and modify product-specific upload rules, you need the Manage Project Upload Inclusions/Exclusions privilege.
Create product-specific upload rules
In the Upload Rules section of the Administration Console, create inclusion and exclusion rules to allow only specific files to be uploaded to a product in an IDE.
To create product-specific upload rules:
In the Administration Console, go to Configuration Object Management > Upload rules.
In the Upload Rules navigation pane, expand the relevant IDE node.
To base the product-specific upload rules on the rules for a particular project, select the project.
To base the product-specific upload rules on the default rules for the IDE, select the default project.
On the toolbar, click New.
In the New Product Upload Rule dialog box, select the product for which you want to create the default upload rules for the IDE.
Click OK.
To delete product-specific upload rules:
In the Upload Rules navigation pane, expand the relevant IDE node and select the product whose rules you want to delete.
On the toolbar, click Delete, and then click Yes to confirm.
Copy upload rules
You can copy a set of inclusion and exclusion rules from an existing IDE or a client project/product to the current one.
To copy inclusion and exclusion rules from another source:
In the Administration Console, go to Configuration Object Management > Upload rules.
In the Upload Rules navigation pane, select the target project/product for which to copy the rules:
To copy the Dimensions CM default rule set, expand the Dimensions Clients node and select Default Project.
To copy the rule set for a specific product, expand the Dimensions Clients node and select the product.
To copy an IDE default rule set, expand the relevant IDE node and select Default Project.
To copy an IDE project rule set, expand the relevant IDE node and select the product.
In the General section of the content pane, click the Copy inclusions/exclusions button.
In the Copy Inclusions/Exclusions dialog box, select the source IDE or client project whose set of inclusions/exclusions you want to copy.
Click OK.
Include files for upload
You can add a file inclusion to the upload rules for Dimensions CM, an IDE, or an IDE project. This way, files that match a certain file name pattern can be added, checked in, or uploaded to Dimensions CM.
Note: The order in which the inclusions are displayed in the list is significant. General inclusions should appear above more specific inclusions, ensuring that the specific inclusions are attempted for pattern matching first.
To add a file inclusion:
In the Administration Console, go to Configuration Object Management > Upload rules.
In the Upload Rules navigation pane, select the target project/product to which you want to add the file inclusion:
To add to the Dimensions CM default rule set, expand the Dimensions Clients node and select Default Project.
To add to the rule set for a specific product, expand the Dimensions Clients node and select the product.
To add to an IDE default rule set, expand the relevant IDE node and select Default Project.
To add to an IDE project rule set, expand the relevant IDE node and select the product.
In the Include section of the content pane, select an inclusion to add the new inclusion above it in the list. Otherwise, the new inclusion is added to the bottom of the list.
Click the New object button.
In the New Upload Inclusion dialog box, specify the file name patterns to include:
Field Description Filename inclusions pattern match
Enter the file name patterns of the Dimensions CM or IDE files that are allowed to be uploaded.
Use Ant-style patterns, one pattern per line:
An asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters.
A double asterisk (**) matches zero or more folder.
A question mark (?) matches one character.
You can combine asterisks (*) and question marks (?).
Use a forward slash (/) to separate folders.
Exclusions pattern match Enter the file name patterns for the files to be excluded.
Use Ant-style patterns and wildcards, one pattern per line, same as for inclusion patterns.
Item Type
(Optional) Select the item type to be associated with the file name pattern.
The default settings separate ASCII and Binary files into separate item types to allow Dimensions Item Header Substitution in ASCII files.
Note: Make sure that the item type exists in all the products for which you are adding these files.
Data Format (Optional) Specify the data format, which includes the MIME type and file class (ASCII/Binary), to associate with the file name pattern.
Note: Make sure that the data format exists in all the products for which you are adding these files.
Design Part
(Optional) Specify the design part that owns files of the selected type.
Note: This setting cannot be changed for an IDE.
Click OK.
Note: If a conflict occurs, the list of exclusions takes precedence over the list of inclusions.
Exclude files from upload
You can add a file exclusion to the upload rules to prevent files that match a certain file name pattern from being added, checked in, or uploaded to Dimensions CM.
To include or exclude files for upload, you need the Manage Project Upload Inclusions/Exclusions privilege.
To add a file exclusion:
In the Administration Console, go to Configuration Object Management > Upload rules.
In the Upload Rules navigation pane, select the target project/product to which you want to add the file exclusion:
To add to the Dimensions CM default rule set, expand the Dimensions Clients node and select Default Project.
To add to the rule set for a specific product, expand the Dimensions Clients node and select the product.
To add to an IDE default rule set, expand the relevant IDE node and select Default Project.
To add to an IDE project rule set, expand the relevant IDE node and select the product.
In the Exclude section of the content pane, click the New object button.
In the New Upload Exclusion dialog box, enter the file name patterns for the files you want to prevent from being added, checked in, or uploaded.
Use Ant-style patterns and wildcards, one pattern per line, same as for inclusion patterns. Files must be relative to the top-level upload folder and must not include absolute paths.
Click OK.
Modify the upload rules
You can edit or delete file inclusions and exclusions from an upload rule set.
To edit or delete an inclusion or exclusion:
In the Administration Console, go to Configuration Object Management > Upload rules.
In the Upload Rules navigation pane, select the target project/product for which you want to edit or delete inclusions or exclusions:
To edit the Dimensions CM default rule set, expand the Dimensions Clients node and select Default Project.
To edit the rule set for a specific product, expand the Dimensions Clients node and select the product.
To edit an IDE default rule set, expand the relevant IDE node and select Default Project.
To edit an IDE project rule set, expand the relevant IDE node and select the product.
In the Include or Exclude sections of the content pane, select the relevant file inclusion or exclusion.
You can select multiple inclusions or exclusions to delete.
To modify the upload rules set, click the Edit button. In the Edit Upload Inclusion/Exclusion dialog box, change the patterns and other details, as described earlier in this topic.
To delete the upload rules, click the Delete button, and confirm.
See also: