Log in to the Administration Console

Open the Administration Console to perform administrative tasks on a base database. Set user preferences to improve your user experience.

Caution: Avoid opening the Administration Console in multiple browser tabs or windows. Actions performed in one window may have unexpected results in the other window.

Log in to the Administration Console

You can access the Administration Console with your user ID and password or using SSO and smart card authentication.

To log in to the Administration Console with user ID and password:

  1. In a web browser, enter the Administration Console URL, for example:


  2. On the Login page, enter your user ID and password. Typically, they are assigned by your administrator. The user ID can be up to 64 characters.

  3. To manually select the server and database, specify the following details:

    Field Description
    Connect to

    Select Manual from the list.

    The settings here are configured in the web.xml file for the server installation. For details, see Administration.

    Server Enter the name of the Dimensions CM server to which to log in.
    DB name Enter the name of the Dimensions CM database.
    DB connection

    Enter the connection string for the Dimensions CM database, if it is not present.

    This field enables you to connect to the database server for your database.

  4. Click Log in.

If your Administration Console is configured for SSO authentication, you need to go through the login page the first time you log in, and then proceed to the Administration Console login page.

If you are using smart card authentication, you need to supply your PIN.

To log in to the Administration Console using SSO:

  1. In a web browser, enter the Administration Console URL, for example:


    If you are not yet authenticated for SSO, the Dimensions CM authentication page is displayed.

  2. To log in using smart card:

    1. Click the Smart Card Log In button.

    2. Select the certificate to use, and click OK.

    3. If you are authenticating for the first time, a Login page opens, requesting your PIN. Enter your PIN and click OK.

  3. If you are not using smart card, enter your username and password, and click Log In.

    If your login is successful, or you are already authenticated with SSO, a confirmation is displayed.

  4. Click Log in.

To log out from the Administration Console using SSO:

  • You can log out partially, which enables you to log back in without entering your login/password.

    To partially log out, close the browser or the browser tab with the Administration Console.

  • To fully log out, click the Logout button in the Administration Console.

To check your version of the Administration Console, view system information, and access online help, click the Help button.

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Log in to a remote node

You can log in to a remote node from the Administration Console. For a Windows remote node, you can change the password when you log in.

To log in to a remote node or change the password on a remote host:

  1. Log in to the Administration Console and open one of the administration areas.

  2. On the top navigation bar, click the user avatar, and select Passwords.

  3. In the Passwords dialog box, enter the following details:

    Field Description
    Network Node Enter the name of the remote node or select it from the list.
    Username Enter your username for the remote node, up to 64 characters.
    Password Enter your password for the remote node.
  4. To change the password, specify your current password. Then enter you new password and confirm it.

  5. Note: You can change the password only for a Windows remote node.

  6. Click OK.

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Change to another base database

If you are using SSO, you can switch to another Dimensions CM base database without logging out.

To change to another base database:

  1. In a web browser, enter the Administration Console URL, for example:


  2. On the Login page, enter your user ID and password.

  3. From the Connect to list, select the database to which you want to connect.

  4. Click Log in.

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Set the Administration Console user preferences

You can set user preferences for the Administration Console.

To set user preferences:

  1. Log in to the Administration Console.

  2. On the top navigation bar, click the user avatar, and select User preferences.

  3. In the Set User Preferences dialog box, enter the following details:

    Field Description
    User display format

    Select the format for displaying usernames in the user interface:

    • To display only the ID of the user, select USERID.

    • To display only the name of the user, select User Full Name.

    • To display the user ID followed by the name in braces, select USERID {User Full Name}.

    • To display the name followed by the user ID in braces, select User Full Name {USERID}.

    Paging size Enter the number of rows to include on each page of a table in the Administration Console.
  4. Click OK.

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See also: