New Prime Mapping wizard
In the New Prime Mapping wizard, define prime attribute mappings from the selected request type (parent) to another request type (child).
Choose change doc type
On the Choose Change Doc Type page of the New Prime Mapping wizard, define the product and request type to which to copy the attributes from the parent request type during priming.
Field | Description |
Parent request type | |
Product name | (Display only) Specifies the product to which the parent request type belongs. |
Type name | (Display only) Specifies the parent request type. |
Child request type | |
Product name | Select the product to which the child request type belongs. |
Type name | Select the child request type. |
After defining the child request type and its product, click Next to specify attribute value pairs on the New/Edit prime mapping page.
New/Edit prime mapping
On the New Prime Mapping page of the New Prime Mapping wizard, specify which attribute values in the parent request type are copied to which attributes in the child request type during priming.
Note: The detailed description of the parent request is automatically copied to the new detailed description, unless a mapping is defined for the detailed description.
On the Edit Prime Mapping page, edit the currently defined attribute mappings.
The General tab contains pairs of attributes for each attribute value you want to copy from the parent request type to the child request type. Use the Insert row and Remove row buttons to add or delete rows for attribute pairs, as needed.
Field | Description |
Parent Attribute (left) | Select the attribute of the parent request type whose contents you want to be copied during priming. |
Child Attribute (right) |
Select the attribute of the child request type to which to copy the contents from the Parent Attribute. Note: The list includes the Detailed Description, PCMS_CHDOC_DETAIL_DESC, which is not selectable for the parent attribute. If you do not specify a mapping for this attribute, it is copied from the Detailed Description of the parent request. |
See also: