Remote Jobs main window

This topic describes the areas and options of the Remote Jobs section in the Administration Console.

About the main window

The Remote Jobs main window contains the following areas:

Menu area Displays the toolbar for changing or deleting a remote job.
Navigation area Enables you to view and select from a list of remote jobs.
Content area Displays a list of remote jobs, or the details of a selected remote job.

For a description of the Administration Console main window, see Administration Console user interface.

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Remote Jobs menu area toolbar

Use the Remote Jobs toolbar to change and delete remote jobs:

  • For jobs with the status SUBMITTED, you can change the status of one or more selected jobs.

  • For jobs with the status SUBMITTED, you can change the description of one or more selected jobs.

  • Delete one or more selected jobs.

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Remote Jobs navigation area

The Remote Jobs navigation pane lists all the remote jobs for the base database.

Select the top-level Remote Jobs node to displays a list of jobs in the content area.

Select a job to displays its details in the content pane.

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Remote Jobs content area

The details displayed in the Remote Jobs content area depend on the object selected in the navigation area.

Selected in the navigation pane Displayed in the content pane

Top-level Remote Jobs node

The content pane displays a list of remote jobs and their details, including the status, result code, and description.

You can perform the following operations:

  • Select a remote job to change its status or description, or delete it. To select all remote jobs on the page, click Select All .

  • Sort the list of remote jobs by clicking the column headings.

  • Filter the list of remote jobs.

  • Display the list of remote jobs as an HTML page to print or save.

  • Display the list of remote jobs as comma-separated values to save as a file.

A remote job The General section displays a summary of the remote job. You can view the logs for the job.

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See also: