Roles and objects

This topic provides an overview of how roles apply to Dimensions CM objects. Expand the examples to view sample scenarios for applying roles to objects.

Roles on design parts

When you assign users to a role on a design part, you enable them to work on all objects associated with that design part. In this way, roles promote ownership and responsibility for different functional areas of a product.

Inheriting roles

When a user has a role on a design part, the user also inherits the role on all subordinate design parts in the design structure, unless a different user is assigned to the same role on a lower design part. In that case, the latter user assumes responsibility for that design part and any design parts below it.

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Roles on design part variants

You can assign a role so that it applies to one or more variants of a design part. This enables you to assign users a role for a particular variant in the product structure, while assigning other users the same role for any remaining variants.

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Roles on projects/streams

When you assign a role to a design part without specifying a project/stream, the role assignment applies to all items in that design part, except those belonging to any projects/streams to which another role has been specifically assigned.

When you make this role assignment, you have the option of additionally specifying a project/stream. In this case, it applies only to item revisions included in that project/stream.

This enables you to assign some users a role for a particular project/stream in the product structure, while assigning other users the same role for any remaining projects/streams.

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Roles on baselines

When you assign a role to a design part, the role assignment applies to a baseline if its top design part is in that design part segment.

Example: If the role of TEAM LEADER has the privilege to create baselines, and Ted is assigned the role of TEAM LEADER for design part QUOTATION, he can create a new baseline from design part QUOTATION or one of its subordinate design parts.

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Roles on requests

Dimensions CM requests do not belong to one particular design part or segment, but they can have one or more design parts related to them.

The way the roles apply to requests is determined by the option Take roles from all affected design parts. You set this option in Administration Console > Configuration Object Management > Object Type Definitions > Requests.

The Take roles from all affected design parts option enables you to specify whether a request type should be routed to the role holders on the common ancestor of related design parts, or to the union of the role holders on all related design parts.

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Roles on lifecycle transitions

Assign roles to transitions in a lifecycle to achieve the following:

  • Determine which users are can action an object type between any two specified lifecycle states.

  • Determine which attributes users can view or update at a specified lifecycle state and which attributes they are required to enter before they can action the object to the next state. For details, see Attribute update rules.

For details on how to assign roles to lifecycle transitions, see Manage transitions.

For details about roles and transitions in the Global Stage Lifecycle, see Create and manage GSL transitions.

Pending and optional roles

Each role on a lifecycle transition can be defined as pending or non-pending.

When an object is actioned to a state in which users have a pending role to action it further, the users automatically receive the object in their inbox and receive an email notification. Users with a non-pending role do not see the object in their inboxes and do not receive a notification email, but they can work on the object and action it to the next state.

A role on a lifecycle transition can also be optional. This means that actioning an object to the transition's from state does not require there to be a user holding that role. If this option is not selected, the actioning is disallowed if there are no users holding that role.

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See also: