Manage transitions

This topic explains how to create and manage transitions for lifecycle states in the Administration Console.

About transitions

A transition is a pair of lifecycle states between which you can action the object.

To create, edit, or delete transitions, you need the Manage Lifecycles privilege.

For each possible transition, you specify one or more roles. A user must have one of these roles to action the object between the from and to states.

For each role on a transition, you can set the following options:

Option Description

If this option is set, actioning an object to the transition's from state does not require a user holding that role.

If this option is not set, the actioning is not allowed if there are no users holding that role.


If this option is set, the object is displayed in the user's inbox, and the user receives an email notification when the object is actioned to the from state for the transition.

If this option is not set, the object is not displayed in the user's inbox, and the user does not receive an email notification but can still perform the actioning.

For details and examples, see Roles on lifecycle transitions.

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Create a transition

You can create a transition from one state in the lifecycle to another and specify which roles are allowed to action the object through this transition.

To create a transition:

  1. In the Administration Console, go to Configuration Object Management > Lifecycles.

  2. In the Lifecycles navigation pane, click the top node to display the list of lifecycles in the content pane.

  3. To open a lifecycle, click the name of the lifecycle in the content pane. The Edit Lifecycle dialog box opens.

  4. (Optional) Select the state to which you want to add the transition. In the Transitions area, click the New Object button.

  5. Alternatively, click the image of the state from which to create the new transition, and drag and drop the mouse pointer into the state to which the transition is to go.

  6. In the New Transition dialog box, specify the transition's details:

    Field Description

    From State

    Specify the state from which the transition occurs. Enter the name of a new state or select a state from the list.

    The name is not case-sensitive. It is stored in uppercase and is displayed with initial caps.

    To State

    Specify the state to which the transition occurs. Enter the name of a new state or select a state from the list.

    The name is not case-sensitive. It is stored in uppercase and is displayed with initial caps.

    Is a Normal Transition Select this option to indicate that this is a normal transition.
    Keep open Select this option if you want the dialog box to remain open.
  7. Note: An existing normal transition can be split by creating a normal transition that inserts a new state within the lifecycle path. In this case, the existing transition is adjusted, but you are prompted to confirm this before the new transition is created.

  8. In the Roles section, select the roles for the transition, and specify if you want the roles to be optional and/or pending:

    Optional Allows to action an object to the transition's from state even if there are no users holding that role.
    Pending Adds the object to the user's inbox and sends the user an email notification when the object is actioned to the from state for the transition.

    For details, see Roles on lifecycle transitions.

  9. Click OK.

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Edit a transition

You can change the details of a transition in the lifecycle, and the roles allowed to action the object through this transition.

To edit a transition:

  1. Go to Administration Console > Configuration Object Management > Lifecycles.

  2. In the Lifecycles navigation pane, click the top node to display the list of lifecycles in the content pane.

  3. To open a lifecycle, click the name of the lifecycle in the content pane. The Edit Lifecycle dialog box opens.

  4. Select the state to which you want to add the transition.

  5. In the Transitions area, select the transition and click the Edit button.

  6. In the Edit Transition dialog box, update the states, the type of transition, or the roles, as described in Create a transition.

  7. Click OK.

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Delete transitions

You can delete one or more transitions for a lifecycle state.

To delete transitions:

  1. Go to Administration Console > Configuration Object Management > Lifecycles.

  2. In the Lifecycles navigation pane, click the top node to display the list of lifecycles in the content pane.

  3. To open a lifecycle, click the name of the lifecycle in the content pane. The Edit Lifecycle dialog box opens.

  4. Select the state for the transition you want to delete.

  5. In the Transitions area, select one or more transitions, click Delete, and confirm.

  6. Click OK. Any off-normal states that no longer have any transitions to or from them are also removed.

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See also: