Show Contents dialog box

Use the Show Contents dialog box to view the items contained in an archive or transfer baseline.

General tab

The General tab of the Show Contents dialog box includes the following information:

Field Description
Archive ID The ID of the archive or transfer.
Description The description of the archive or transfer.
Product The ID of the product from which the archive was created or the baseline was transferred.
Baseline The ID of the baseline that was archived or transferred.
Tape Label The "sticky label" that is attached to the outside of a tape.
Volume ID The ID that is physically written on the volume.
Created The date when the archive was created or the baseline was transferred.
User The user ID who created the archive or transferred the baseline.
Archive Type The archive type, Token or Transfer.

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Online or Offline tab

The Online and Offline tabs of the Show Contents dialog box include information about the item archive status:

Field Description
Item ID The full item specification for the item in the archive or baseline.
Filename The project file name of the item.
Archive Status

The archive status of the item:

  • TO: transferred offline.

  • AO: archived offline.

  • RO: replicated offline.

  • AR: archive retrieved.

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See also: