Subscribe users to mail events

In the Administration Console, you can set up notifications to send email messages to specified users or groups when a specific event occurs.

For details about the Dimensions CM email notification system, see Manage notification emails.

Guidelines for mail notifications

A mail notification defines an event that causes an email message to be sent to specified users or groups.

Dimensions CM provides a set of system-defined notification rules that are triggered when common events take place:

  • When a Dimensions CM request or item arrives in a user's inbox.

  • When an attribute of a Dimensions CM request, item, or baseline in a user's inbox is updated.

  • When an item is added or removed from a project.

  • When a user is added or removed from the base database.

  • When a product is added or removed from the base database.

In the Administration Console, you can view system-defined and user-defined notifications, and subscribe users or groups to notifications.

To work with mail notifications, you need the Manage Email Notifications privilege.

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Subscribe users to notifications

You can specify which users receive an email notification when a specific event occurs. Users cannot remove or modify the subscription.

To add users to a mail event subscription:

  1. In the Administration Console, go to Users, Groups, Roles and Privileges > Mail events.

  2. In the Mail Events navigation pane, expand the folder tree and select the mail event to which to subscribe one or more user.

  3. On the toolbar, click User.

    Or click Subscribe Users in the User Subscribers section of the content pane.

  4. In the Subscribe Users dialog box, specify the following subscription details:

    Field Description


    Select this option to combine multiple notifications for the same user into a single email.

    By default, a separate email is sent for each notification.

    Do not notify originator of the event Select this option if you do not want a user who triggers an event to receive an email notification.
    Scope to

    For deployment-related mail events, define the scope:

    • Project/Stream. To apply the subscription to a specific project or stream, select a project or stream.

      Leave empty to apply to all projects/streams.

    • Stage. To apply the subscription to a specific lifecycle stage, select the stage from the list.

      Leave empty to apply to all stages.

    • Area. For deployment and rollback events, you can apply the subscription to a specific area. Select an area from the list.

      Leave empty to apply to any area.

    Available Users

    Specifies a list of active users in the base database.

    Double-click a user to quickly subscribe the user.

    CTRL+ click to select multiple users.

    To subscribe selected users, move them to the Users to Subscribe list.

    Users to Subscribe

    Specifies a list of the users you intend to subscribe to this notification.

    Double-click a user to quickly remove the user from the list.

    CTRL+ click to select multiple users.

    To unsubscribe selected users, move them back to Available Users.

  5. Click OK.

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Subscribe groups to notifications

You can select groups to receive an email notification when a specified event occurs. This subscription cannot be removed or modified by the users in the subscribed groups.

To subscribe a group to a mail event:

  1. In the Administration Console, go to Users, Groups, Roles and Privileges > Mail events.

  2. In the Mail Events navigation pane, expand the folder tree and select the mail event to which to subscribe one or more groups.

  3. On the toolbar, click Group.

    Or click Subscribe groups in the Group Subscribers section of the content pane.

  4. In the Subscribe Groups dialog box, specify the following group details:

    Field Description


    Select this option to join multiple notifications for the same user into a single email.

    By default, a separate email is sent for each notification.

    Do not notify originator of the event Select this option if you do not want the user who triggers an event to receive an email notification.
    Scope to

    For deployment-related mail events, define the scope:

    • Project/Stream. To apply the subscription to a specific project or stream, select a project or stream.

      Leave empty to apply to all projects/streams.

    • Stage. To apply the subscription to a specific lifecycle stage, select the stage from the list.

      Leave empty to apply to all stages.

    • Area. For deployment and rollback events, you can apply the subscription to a specific area. Select an area from the list.

      Leave empty to apply to any area.

    Available Groups

    Specifies a list of active user groups in the base database.

    Double-click a group to quickly subscribe it.

    CTRL+ click to select multiple groups.

    To subscribe selected groups, move them to the Groups to Subscribe list.

    Groups to Subscribe

    Specifies a list of the groups to subscribe to this notification.

    Double-click a group to quickly remove it from the subscription list.

    CTRL+ click to select multiple groups.

    To unsubscribe selected groups, move them back to Available Groups.

  5. Click OK.

Unsubscribe users or groups

You can cancel a user or group subscription to specific mail events.

To unsubscribe users/groups from a mail event:

  1. In the Administration Console, go to Users, Groups, Roles and Privileges > Mail events.

  2. In the Mail Events navigation pane, expand the folder tree and select the mail event from which to subscribe users or groups.

  3. To unsubscribe users, in the User Subscribers section of the content pane, select one or more users and click Delete.

    To unsubscribe groups, in the Group Subscribers section of the content pane, select one or more groups and click Unsubscribe.

  4. In the Unsubscribe Users/Groups dialog box, click OK to confirm.

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See also: