View objects

This topic explains how to view the values for available Network Administration objects, such as operating systems, file systems, code sets, or network contacts.

About Network Administration objects

The following table describes the Network Administration objects. You can choose from the values of operating systems, file systems, and code sets when you create a network node or a client/server connection.

Object Description
Operating system Network Administration provides a list of supported platforms with standard case conventions. When you define a physical node, you choose the operating system to be used by that node.
File system Network Administration provides a list of file system types. When you define a client/server connection, you choose what file system is part of your network.
Code set Network Administration provides a list of code sets available for the network. A code set or code page is a method for encoding characters for different platforms and for different human languages. When you define a client/server connection, you choose a code set.
Contact You can add, edit, or delete a list of network contacts. When you create a physical node, you specify a single contact to be responsible for the node.

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View objects

You can view a list of available operating systems, file systems, code sets, or contacts as well as their values.

To view an object:

  1. In the Administration Console, go to Distributed Development > Network administration > Advanced.

  2. In the navigation area, select Operating Systems, File Systems, Code Sets, or Contacts from the list.

  3. To view a list of all operating systems, file systems, code sets, or contacts, select the top-level object. Click a defined object to view its details.

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See also: