Commit changes

This topic describes how to commit changes to a Git repository and relate Dimensions CM requests to commits in Visual Studio Code.

To commit changes:

  1. In Visual Studio Code, select View > Source Control. The Source Control view is displayed and has these sections:

    • Source Control: Displays a list of files in the Git main branch that have been modified, added, and deleted.

    • Dimensions Requests: Displays inbox requests for the current Dimensions CM product.

  2. (Optional) In the Source Control section, add a commit message.
  3. To relate a request to a commit, expand Dimensions Requests. Then select the request and click Add Request to Commit Message. The request ID is added to the commit message.

  4. To commit the changes, in the Source Control section title bar, click Commit.

    Or click More Actions (...) and select an action, for example, Commit Staged.

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See also: