View and update items in Visual Studio
You can view items that items that you have recently modified, added, and deleted. You can update previous item revisions and item information.
View outgoing items
You can open a view that displays all the items that you have recently modified, added, and deleted.
Use this view to:
- Open files and view their contents.
- Compare files with the latest revision in the repository.
- Deliver the changes.
To view items:
From the View menu, select File Status. Alternatively, in Dimensions Explorer, click Outgoing.
The File Status view is displayed.
From the Filter lists, select the types of changes you want to display.
To open an item in the Visual Studio editor, double-click the item.
Tip: When working with files in the Visual Studio editor, use the editor extension area at the bottom of the editor window to view item history and changeset details. For details, see View item details in the code editor.
To compare an item with its latest revision in the repository, right-click and select Compare with Latest.
To deliver an item, right-click and select Deliver.
To deliver all items, select the checkbox next to the top-level item. On the toolbar, click Deliver.
View and update previous revisions
You can view previous revisions of a file.
To work with previous revisions of a file, right-click the file in Solution Explorer and select History. The History view opens, listing all previous actions. In the History view, you can get, check out, check in, and compare the revisions.
This view is distinct from the historical view you can open from the History menu option.
View and update item information
You can view file attributes, history, and relationships.
To view and update item information:
Right-click a file and select Item Properties.
A detailed item properties view is displayed.
From the item properties view, you can review a number of tabs and update the following item properties:
Property Description General View the item name, ID, state, phase, revision and description. These properties are not writable. Attributes View and modify values for attributes assigned to items. History View the revision history. Delegates View users to whom the file has been delegated, and in turn delegate it.
To delegate a file:
Select the role to whom the users belong from the Role to delegate list.
Select users from the Available Users list, and click Assign to move those users to the Assigned users list.
To swap users, select users from each list and click Replace. For details about delegation, see Delegate items.
Users and Roles View all users and roles that are assigned to work on the item. Privileges View all privileges that you (and others) have been assigned for this item. This can be useful if you are unable to complete an action, and you suspect that your Dimensions privileges may need to be expanded. Related View all related objects, including requests, projects, and other items. You can add new relationships and remove existing relationships. -
See also: