
OpenTextPulseUno is a web-based user interface that enables development teams to:

  • Continually build and inspect the health and quality of code using plugins such as dependency checkers and static analysis. Teams can use this information to help decide when changes are ready to be merged, deployed, and released.
  • Use PulseUno vaults to secure collections of packages such as binaries, artifacts, and meta data. Vaults provide a central library for your packages and integrate with build and development pipelines.
  • Visualize team activity.
  • Explore the codebase.
  • Use pull requests to review, evaluate, and merge a set of defined changes. Pull requests are a collaborative process that allows teams to review proposed code changes, add review comments, approve changes, and merge changes into a mainline.
  • Collaborate on development projects using requests, backlogs, and iterations, to plan, track, and execute work.

For details on how to install PulseUno as part of Dimensions CM, see Install Dimensions CM.

For details about using PulseUno, see the PulseUno help.

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