Install Dimensions CM

This topic provides guidelines and considerations for installing and upgrading Dimensions CM on a Windows or UNIX system.

Installation overview

Review this information to prepare for installing or upgrading Dimensions CM.

Before you install
Install and upgrade

For instructions on installing and upgrading Dimensions CM, see the following guides:

UNIX: Use separate installers for the server, agents, and clients.

Manage licenses Install and configure the AutoPass License Server (APLS) to manage licenses. See Dimensions CM licensing.
Optimize and scale For details about hardware scaling requirements, see Architecture and optimization.
Use proxy

Dimensions CM supports proxy servers.

For details on how to set up proxy settings for your Dimensions CM server, see the Administration Guide.

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General considerations

Because the Dimensions CM server is a network-facing server application, take the necessary steps to secure and protect the server machine from network-based threats.

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Installation and upgrade considerations

Review these considerations before you begin installing or upgrading Dimensions CM.

Update operating systems

Apply the latest updates for your operating system.

AIX: Install the latest version of the OS package: bos.rte.libc.

Windows Server 2012 R2: Install the following updates:

Install on Windows Windows: Before installing Dimensions CM, ensure that you have at least 15 GB of free space on the main disk, usually C:\.
Install on Ubuntu 20.04 or later

To ensure that Dimensions CM installs successfully on Ubuntu 20.04 or later, verify that Ubuntu doesn't use dash as the default shell.

If Ubuntu is configured to use dash, reconfigure it for bash by running this command:

dpkg-reconfigure dash

Red Hat 8.x prerequisites

In addition to the packages listed in the installation guide, you need to add the following files:

  • libnsl.x86_64

  • libnsl.i686

  • libxcrypt.i686

  • motif.x86_64

Red Hat 8.2 prerequisites

Before installing Dimensions CM, verify that the following packages are installed:

  • libxcrypt.x86_64

  • libxcrypt.i686

  • libstdc++.i686

  • motif.i686

  • motif.x86_64

  • nss-softokn-freebl.x86_64

  • nss-util.x86_64

  • libXp.i686

  • libXp.x86_64

  • libXpm.x86_64

Unable to connect to the database when installing

If you get an error message during installation stating that Dimensions CM is unable to connect to the database:

  • Check that you have entered the correct database password and Oracle DSN if applicable.

  • Check that the database used by Dimensions CM is active (up). Confirm that it is running or that you can connect to it using standard RDBMS database utilities such as sqlplus.

Install on Windows Server 2012R2 with Oracle 12

If you cannot install Dimensions CM on Windows Server 2012R2 with Oracle 12, check the following:

  • The system PATH contains ORACLE_HOME (this should be true if the system is restarted after installing Oracle).

    If ORACLE_HOME is not in the path, the CM server installation fails to validate the Oracle connection details.

  • The Oracle administrator password doesn't contain a full stop (.), comma (,), or semicolon (;). If any of these characters are included, the CM server installer may fail to validate the Oracle connection details.

    Temporarily remove these characters from the password before installing.

Install into a remote SQL server If you are installing a Dimensions CM server into a remote SQL server, you need to use an existing and preconfigured ODBC.
Install the Visual Studio 2017 integration

A bug in earlier versions of Visual Studio 2017 may cause the installation of the CM integration to fail.

Before installing or upgrading Dimensions CM, install the latest update to Visual Studio 2017.

Dimensions CM server upgrade messages on UNIX

UNIX: After you upgrade Dimensions CM and Deployment Automation, you can safely ignore the following messages:

com.installshield.sra.event.InstallScript, msg2, InstallScript.onReplacingcCoreFiles

com.installshield.sra.event.InstallScript, msg2, Tomcat was not found.

com.installshield.sra.event.InstallScript, msg2, InstallScript.onReplacingcCoreFiles

PulseUno data directory on Windows

Windows: The PulseUno data directory is installed in the following location:


If you upgrade from an earlier Dimensions CM release that had a different default location, the PulseUno data directory is moved to \ProgramData\OpenText\PulseUno.

Install on Solaris The Solaris installer requires JRE 1.8 or later.
Upgrade Dimensions CM with CM SSO

To upgrade a Dimensions CM installation configured to use the Dimensions CM SSO server:

  1. Stop Common Tomcat.

  2. Navigate to the Tomcat installation location.

  3. Rename the lib directory to lib.pre145.

  4. Rename the alfssogatekeeper directory to alfssogatekeeper.pre145.

  5. Perform the upgrade.

  6. After the upgrade has completed, navigate to the CM installation location. Verify that all occurrences of the SSO_STS_ENDPOINT variable in the %installdir%\dm.cfg configuration file contain the string localhost and not the host name of your machine.

Note: These steps are not required if the installation is configured to use Solutions Business Manager as the SSO server.

Upgrade Dimensions Connect for Solutions Business Manager (SBM)

Make sure to uninstall earlier versions of Dimensions Connect for SBM and then install the corresponding version before you upgrade the Dimensions CM server.

For example, after you upgrade the Dimensions CM server to the latest version, you need to install the latest version of Dimensions Connect for SBM. Otherwise, the integration may not work as expected. For details, see Connect to SBM.

ALF events configuration file

During installation or upgrade, a new version of the ALF events configuration file is installed for PulseUno:


Any customizations are overridden. But your original file is backed up, and you can merge your customizations into the new version.

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See also: