Set configuration details

You can change the desktop client's configuration details and set display properties, tree displays, display formats, and operation properties.

About the configuration details

The configuration details control the following areas of the desktop client:

Display properties How the desktop client displays entries, columns, and other UI elements.
Tree displays How the desktop client displays and expands trees.
Display formats How the desktop client displays dates and usernames.
Operation properties How the desktop client behaves when you perform various commands.

To access the configuration details, in the menu bar, select Tools > Preferences, and make sure the Configuration tab is selected.

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Set the display properties

You can set the following display properties.

Option Description
Enable colors

Use this option to display Dimensions CM object entries in the color you have set on the Colors tab of the Customize dialog box.

You set the colors for Phase and Status, as described in Customize colors.

If you clear this option, the desktop client does not display the colors, and shows selected grid rows by highlighting them.

Automatic selection

Use this option to display an object as already selected when you open a new window display for that object. This behavior applies only when there is only one object in the Primary view.

This means that the client initially selects the object and displays its related objects on the right side.

If the option is cleared, then when you open a new window for an object, you need to select the object in its Primary view before the right-side views are populated with its related objects.

Resize columns on view/scroll page

Use this option to automatically resize the columns in grid views to fit the widest data field when you scroll through the columns.

This means that you do not need to click the Auto Resize icon to activate this behavior.

Note: We recommend to always exit from the current display before disabling colors. Color combinations other than 'white on black' may occur.

Expand revisions Select this option to display all item revisions without the need to click the Expand All icon at the top right of the item list.
Column contexts This option is reserved for future use.

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Set the tree displays

You can set the following tree displays.

Option Description
Expand first level Use this option to automatically expand design part and folder trees to the first level.
Hover causes tree to expand Use this option to automatically expand design part and folder nodes when you hover over the name of the collapsed node (but not the plus icon +).

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Set the display formats

You can set the following display formats.

Option Description
Date display format From the list of date formats, select the format in which you want the desktop client to display dates.
User name display format

Select the format in which you want the desktop client to display usernames.

By default, the user full name is displayed.

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Set the operation properties

You can set the following operation properties.

Option Description
Keep copy

Use this option to leave the copy of an item file in your user area after you have checked in the file.

Note: You can override this setting when you check in items using the Check In dialog box.

Confirm completed Select this option if you want the desktop client to display a message "Operation Successful" when you click OK and the command has completed successfully.
Apply system date/time to files Select this option to set the timestamp of the files in your work area to the current date and time after a Get or Check Out item operation.
Auto get

Select this option to automatically get a copy of an item file back to your user area after you have checked it in.

Note: You can override this setting when you check in items using the Check In dialog box.

Confirm warnings Select this option to display all warning messages in a popup window containing the warning details, requiring you to click OK to continue.
Expand substitutions

Select this option if you want item header substitution to occur in item commands such as Get Item and Check In Item.

Note: You can override this setting in the relevant dialog boxes.

You can also set this option in the Windows Explorer plugin > Dimensions Preferences dialog box.

Write metadata Use this option to write metadata to the work area during operations, such as Get, or Check Out.

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See also: