Action wizard

In the Action wizard, you move one or more Dimensions CM requests, items, baselines, or projects/streams to a new lifecycle state.

If the objects are being actioned to a lifecycle state that is associated with a stage in the Global Stage Lifecycle, they are also promoted to that stage. If there are any default areas associated with the project/stream, the item files are automatically deployed to those areas.

For a single object, use the Attributes tab/page to view and change the object's user-defined attributes.

Use theAdd a Comment page to include an optional comment for the action.

Use the Delegate to Other Users page to delegate the selected object(s) to other users, assign other users a role on the object(s) or remove previously delegated users.

On the Select Lifecycle State page, you specify the lifecycle state to action the object to:

Field Description


(Display only) The specification of the object.

Current status

(Display only) Displays the current state.

Current phase

(Display only) Displays the current phase.

New status

Single objects: Select this option to action the object to a normal next state and select the next state from the list. Only valid next states are displayed.

All statuses

Single objects: Select this option to action the object to any other state and select a state from the list.

You need the necessary privilege to action to one of these states.

Action to

Multiple objects: Select Next Normal State, or select Named State and enter a state.

Show lifecycle

Single objects: Click to see an image of the lifecycle.

This image must be created by your Dimensions CM Administrator.

To move to the next page, click Next.

To action the objects, click Finish.

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See also: