Get Item/Get Multiple Items dialog box

Use the Get Item/Get Multiple Items dialog box to copy an item revision to your work area so that you can view it without checking it out.

For multiple items, use the Items tab to review, and if required, clear any of the selected item revisions that you do not want to get.

General tab

Field Description Rules and guidelines

Item Specification

The specification of the selected item.

Single item selected only.


The specification of the selected items.

Multiple items selected only.

Click an item to clear it.

Copy item to

Accept the file name for the copied item, or enter a different one.

Single selection only.

The default name is the item project file name.

Enter a full path or a path relative to the project root folder, or click the browse button to find it.

Folder to Contain Items

Type or select the name of the folder to contain the items.

Multiple items selected only.

Enter a full pathname or a pathname relative to the project root folder, or click the Browse button to find the folder.

Expand Substitution Variables

Select to enable item header substitution.


Automatically Overwrite Files

Select to write over existing files or directories in your work area.

If an existing file is read-only, it is overwritten regardless of the setting of this option.

Apply System Date/Time

Select to set the timestamp of the file or folder in your work area to the current date and time.


Items tab

The items tab of the Get Multiple Items dialog box displays a list of the items that have been selected and enables you to clear any items that you do not want to get.

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See also: