Select SBM reports
After you connect a Solutions Business Manager (SBM) instance as a request provider, specify which SBM reports to display in your Dimensions CM client.
Select SBM reports in the web client
In the web client, configure a list of SBM reports to be available for a given SBM provider instance.
To select SBM reports:
- Open the Requests view.
Above the navigation pane, click Select SBM Reports.
In the Select SBM Reports dialog box, move the relevant reports from the Available Reports list to Selected Reports.
SHIFT+click to select a range of projects/streams. CTRL+click to select multiple non-consecutive projects/streams.
Click OK.
One report is displayed at a time. To view a list of requests in a report, in the navigation pane, expand the Catalog node, then the SBM node, and select the report.
Select SBM reports in the desktop client
In the desktop client, configure a list of SBM reports to be available for a given SBM provider instance.
To select SBM reports:
- Select File > Open > Requests, and select an SBM request provider from the list. The Open Request(s) dialog box opens.
Choose Select request provider
> [SBM request provider] > Select reports. The Report Selection List opens.
(Optional) To filter the list of reports, click Filter and specify the filtering criteria, such as report title, type, author, and creation date. Click OK.
In the Report Selection List, move the relevant reports from the left pane to the right.
SHIFT+click to select a range of reports. CTRL+click to select multiple non-consecutive reports.
- Click OK.
One report is displayed at a time. To view requests from another report, click Select request provider , select an SBM provider and then a report.
Select SBM reports in the Visual Studio IDE
In the Dimensions CM for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE, configure a list of SBM reports to be available for a given SBM provider instance.
To select SBM reports:
- From the main menu, select View > Dimensions Explorer.
- In Dimensions Explorer, click Connect and log in to a Dimensions CM repository or add a new connection.
- In Dimensions Explorer, click Requests.
In the Requests pane, click All Requests
, hover over an SBM provider, and click Select Reports. The Report Selection dialog box opens.
(Optional) To filter the list of reports, click Filter and specify the filtering criteria, such as report title, type, author, and creation date. Click OK.
In the Report Selection dialog box, move the relevant reports from the left pane to the right.
SHIFT+click to select a range of reports. CTRL+click to select multiple non-consecutive reports.
- Click OK.
One report is displayed at a time. To view requests from another report, click All Requests , hover over an SBM provider, and select a report.
Select SBM reports in the Eclipse IDE
In the Dimensions CM for Eclipse IDE, configure a list of SBM reports to be available for a given SBM provider instance.
To select SBM reports:
- From the Dimensions menu, select Dimensions CM Explorer.
- Log in to a Dimensions CM repository or add a new connection.
- In Dimensions CM Explorer, double-click Requests.
In the Requests view, select All requests
> [SBM request provider] > Select Reports.
In the Report Selection List, move the relevant reports from the left pane to the right.
SHIFT+click to select a range of reports. CTRL+click to select multiple non-consecutive reports.
Click OK.
One report is displayed at a time. To view requests from another report, click All requests , select an SBM request provider and then a report.
See also: