Create design parts

Create design parts to add new logical elements to the design part structure. You can create a variant design part that has the same logical structure as the source design part.

For recommendations on creating your product's design part structure, see About design parts.

Create a design part

To create a design part, you need the Create Design Part privilege.

To create a design part:

  1. In the web client, open the Requests view.

  2. Expand the design part tree in the navigation pane, and select the design part under which you want to add the new part.

  3. On the toolbar, select Manage Parts > New Part. The New Design Part dialog box opens.

  4. On the General tab, verify that the Parent Design Part is correct.

  5. Enter the following details for the new part:

    Field Description

    Design part ID

    Enter a name for the design part. Use up to 25 characters.

    The name cannot contain colons (:) or semicolons (;).

    Dimensions CM automatically converts all letters to uppercase.

    Design part category

    Select a category.

    Do not select the Product category, which is reserved for the top-level design part.

    Categories are created in the Administration Console.


    (Optional) Enter a new variant. Use up to 128 characters.

    Default variant: A.


    (Optional) The part change status. Use up to 3 characters.

    Default PCS: 1.

    Description Enter a description for the design part. Use up to 240 characters.
  6. (Optional) Select the Attributes tab to set user-defined attributes, if any.

  7. Click OK.

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Create a variant design part

A variant design part has the same logical structure as the source design part.

To create a variant design part, you need the Create Design Part privilege.

To create a variant design part:

  1. In the web client, open the Requests view.

  2. Expand the design part tree in the navigation pane, and select the design part under which you want to add the variant part.

  3. On the toolbar, select Manage Parts > New Variant. The New Variant dialog box opens.

  4. On the General tab, verify that the selected design part and parent variant are correct.

  5. for Variant ID, enter a name for the variant design part. Use up to 128 characters.

    The variant ID changes only the variant portion of the part specification:


    The product ID, part ID, and PCS are inherited from the source design part.

  6. (Optional) For Description, enter a description of the variant part.

  7. (Optional) Select the Attributes tab to set user-defined attributes, if any.

  8. Click OK.

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See also: