Merge item revisions and files
In the web client, merge item revisions to combine the updates made to each item into a single new revision.
For items in a stream, you can merge them only as part of the Update operation.
PRIVILEGES: Revise Item Content.
To merge item revisions:
In the web client, open the My Current Project/Stream view or Items view.
Select one or more revisions of the same item.
On the toolbar, click More
, and select Merge item revision. The Merge dialog box opens.
In the Base field, choose between an item revision and a workfile for the base for the merge operation. Click the link to switch between these two options.
Under the Revisions section, verify that you have selected the correct item revisions to merge:
To add a revision, click the Add revision link and select a revision from the list.
To remove a revision, click the icon next to the name.
In the Workfiles field, click the Add workfile link to include a workfile in the merge, and browse to select the file. Repeat for any other workfile. To remove a workfile, click the delete icon
next to the name.
Select the option for the merged file:
New revision Create a new item revision to contain the merged contents. Existing revision Update the item pedigree to indicate that an existing item revision contains the result of the merge. Leave the resulting Target revision field as the default of the latest revision, or select another revision in the Target revision field. Workfile Use a file in a work area. In the Output file field, enter the pathname of the file. -
(Optional) Complete the fields on the Merge Options tab.
If required, on the Attributes tab, specify attribute values.
Click OK. If you have selected existing revision as the merge target, this completes the update. Otherwise, the merge tool opens.
When finished, exit the merge tool.
In the Results dialog box, click Continue to check in the target file, and then click Close.
See also: