Preview and print an item

Preview an item revision when you want a fast way to look at the contents of an item revision without first checking it out or getting a local copy of it.

The item revision opens in the editor assigned to that item's format.

In the web client the editor is determined by the MIME type associated with the item format. This association is specified in the Administration Console.

While you have an item revision open in your editor, you can print it.


  • You cannot preview a directory item.

  • When you preview a virtual, or placeholder, item, you see only the item header with the appropriate variables substituted.

PRIVILEGES: Browse Item.

To preview and print an item:

  1. In the My Current Project view or Items view, click the name of the item.

  2. In the Open Item dialog box, click the Preview tab.

    You see the contents of the item revision in the editor assigned to the item format.

  3. To print the item, use the editor's print command.

  4. To return to the Open Item dialog box, exit the editor.

To preview an item file in a work area:

  1. In the My Current Project view, expand the Work Areas node, and click the node for the work area.

  2. Expand the folder tree and select the folder in which the file is located.

  3. Click the name of the file in the content pane.

    The Open Area File dialog box opens showing the General tab with details of the file.

  4. Click the Preview tab.

    You see the contents of the file in the editor assigned to the item format.

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See also: