Relationships tab with items selected

Use the Relationships tab with items selected to view, unrelate, or perform actions on item revisions that are related to the selected item, request, or baseline.

The fields displayed on the Relationships tab depend on the dialog box and what has been selected in the Related Objects Class field.

Relationships tab with Items Selected

Field/Icon Description


Click to edit the properties of items selected on this tab.

Check In

Click to check in the items selected on this tab.

Check Out

Click to check out the items selected on this tab.

Undo Check Out

Click to undo the check out of the items selected on this tab.

Get Copy

Click to get a read-only copy of the items selected on this tab.

Revise Item update_item_button.gif

Click to revise the selected item.

Relate Relate_button.gif

Click to relate more item(s) to the selected object.

Unrelate Unrelate_button.gif

Click to unrelate the selected items on this tab from the item whose properties you are editing.


Click to action the items selected on this tab.


Click to delegate the selected item(s) to other users.


Click to view the revision history of a selected item.


Click to select other commands to perform on the selected item(s).

Related Objects Class

Select the class of object to be displayed on the Relationships tab.

The options available depend on the currently selected object and your process model.


Select a filter to reduce the number of items displayed on this tab.

Click to display the list of items in a browser window.

You can print the HTML list or save it as a file.

Click to display the list of items as a list of comma-separated values.

You can save the list as a CSV file.


A table of items with child relationships to the currently selected object.

Select All

Click to select or clear all items in the list.

Select checkbox

Click to select an item.


Click to display an Open Item dialog box for the related Item.


The name of the item.

Click to edit the properties of the item.

Checked Out By

(Display only) The user ID of any person who has this revision checked out.

This field is empty if the item revision is not checked out.


(Display only) The revision branch/number of this item revision.


(Display only) The current lifecycle state of the item.

Relationship Type

(Display only) The relationship between this item and the item whose properties you are editing.

Modified Date (UTC)

(Display only) The date the item was last modified.

If the item revision has not been checked in, this field is empty.

Item Type (Display only) The type of the item.


A table of items with parent relationships to the currently selected object.

(Fields displayed as for Children section above.)

To submit your changes, click Save.

To submit your changes and action the item whose properties you are editing, click Save and Action.

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See also: