Edit object attributes

An object can have attributes in a number of different formats. Attributes can contain text, a number, a date, or a value that you select from a list.

The following table describes how to edit object attributes.

Field type Description



Enter text. If the field allows multiple lines, the text wraps to the next line.

To start a new line, press the Enter key.

Single selection list


Click the down arrow and select a value from the list.

Multiple value attribute


Enter or select a value.

To add a value above the current one, click mva_up.gif.

To add a value below the current one, click mva_down.gif.

To delete a value, click mva_del.gif.



In each field, enter or select a value.

To add a value above the current value, click mva_up.gif.

To add a value below the current value, click mva_down.gif.

To delete a value, click mva_del.gif.

Date and time

Use the calendar button. Or enter a date in the following format:

dd-mon-yyyy [hh:mm:ss]

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