Demote objects

Use the Demote operation to move objects from their current stage to another stage lower down the Global Stage Lifecycle (GSL).


Demoting moves objects downwards through the Global Stage Lifecycle (GSL).

Tip: You can set up email notifications to alert users when a demotion occurs.

Demote rules:

  • You must have a privilege on the stage that you are demoting to or from.

  • Item revisions and requests in an off-normal lifecycle state cannot be demoted.

  • If an associated deployment area for the project or stream has the Deploy by Default option set, and you have selected the Perform Deployment option, the deployment occurs automatically upon demotion, and you do not need to have the Deploy privilege. If there are other deployment areas associated with the project or stream, you can also deploy to those areas if you have the necessary privilege.

  • You can demote through more than one stage in the GSL in the same operation.

  • If you have the appropriate privileges on the source and target stages, you can bypass the demotion to all the intermediate stages.

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Demote items

Demote item revisions to move them to a lower stage in the Global Stage Lifecycle, and optionally, have the item files deployed to the associated areas.

To demote requests, you need the following privileges:

ITEM_DEMOTE_NEXTSTAGE Demote an item to the next stage in the GSL.
ITEM_DEMOTE_ANYSTAGE Demote an item to any stage in the GSL.
ITEM_DEPLOY Deploy demoted items to a non-default area (the privilege for the area to which you want to deploy).

To demote item revisions:

  1. Open the Demote wizard in your Dimensions CM client:

    Web client
    1. In the My Current Project view or Requests view, select one or more items.

    2. On the toolbar, click the More button and select Demote.


    1. In the Deployment view, select the History tab, and select one or more item promote events.

    2. Click the Demote button.

    Desktop client
    1. In an Items list, select one or more items.

    2. Select Item > Demote.

  2. In the Demote wizard, specify the following options:

    Option Description
    To Stage Select the stage to which you want to demote the items.
    Perform Deployment Select this option if you want the item files to be deployed to the areas associated with stage to which they are being demoted.
    Reason for demotion (Optional) Enter additional information about the demotion.
  3. Click Next.

  4. (Optional) on the Deploy to Areas page, select the following options:

    • To queue the deployments immediately, select as soon as possible.

    • To schedule the deployments for a particular time, select at specified time, and select a date and time.

    • Under Area(s) for deployment, select the areas to which you want to deploy.

    You can select areas other than the default ones, or clear any default areas, only if you have the necessary privileges.

  5. Click Next.

  6. On the Summary page, review the actions to be carried out and click Finish.

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Demote requests

Demote requests in order to move them to a lower stage in the Global Stage Lifecycle, and optionally, have the item files deployed to the associated area(s). Demoting a request demotes item revisions related as In Response To the request, and optionally, any child requests.

To demote requests, you need the following privileges:

REQUEST_DEMOTE_NEXTSTAGE Demote a request to the next stage in the GSL.
REQUEST_DEMOTE_ANYSTAGE Demote a request to any stage in the GSL.
REQUEST_DEPLOY Deploy demoted requests to a non-default area (the privilege for the area to which you want to deploy).

To demote requests:

  1. Open the Demote wizard in your Dimensions CM client:

    Web client
    1. In the My Current Project view or Requests view, select one or more requests.

    2. On the toolbar, click the More button and select Demote.


    1. In the Deployment view, select the History tab, and select one or more request promote events.

    2. Click the Demote button.

    Desktop client
    1. Select one or more requests.

    2. Select Request > Demote.

  2. In the Demote wizard, specify the following options:

    Option Description
    Demote child requests

    Select this option to also demote any related child requests.

    This option is displayed only if you have selected a request.

    If this option is selected, child requests related as Dependent and related to the current project are be included.

    To Stage Select the stage to which you want to demote the requests.
    Perform Deployment Select this option if you want the item files to be deployed to the areas associated with stage to which they are being demoted.
    Reason for demotion (Optional) Enter additional information about the demotion.
  3. Click Next.

  4. (Optional) on the Deploy to Areas page, select the following options:

    • To queue the deployments immediately, leave as soon as possible selected.

    • To schedule the deployments for a particular time, select at specified time, and select a date and time.

    • Under Area(s) for deployment, select the areas to which you want to deploy.

    You can select areas other than the default ones, or clear any default areas, only if you have the necessary privileges.

  5. Click Next.

  6. On the Summary page, review the actions to be carried out and click Finish.

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Demote baselines

Demote baselines in order to move them to a lower stage in the Global Stage Lifecycle, and optionally, have their item files deployed to the associated areas.

Note: Refactoring changes are not necessarily deployed. We recommend that you deploy refactoring changes using requests.

To demote baselines, you need the following privileges:

BASELINE_DEMOTE_NEXTSTAGE Demote a baseline to the next stage in the GSL.
BASELINE_DEMOTE_ANYSTAGE Demote a baseline to any stage in the GSL.
BASELINE_DEPLOY Deploy demoted baselines to a non-default area (the privilege for the area to which you want to deploy).

To demote baselines:

  1. Open the Demote wizard in your Dimensions CM client:

    Web client
    1. In the My Current Project view or Baselines view, select one or more baselines.

    2. Click the More button and select Demote.


    1. In the Deployment view, select the History tab, and select one or more baseline promote events.

    2. Click the Demote button.

    Desktop client

    In a content window, select one or more baselines and select Baseline > Demote.


    In the My Current Project window, expand the subprojects node, right-click one or more baselines, and select Demote.

  2. In the Demote wizard, specify the following options:

    Option Description
    To Stage Select the stage to which you want to demote the baselines.
    Perform Deployment Select this option if you want the item files to be deployed to the areas associated with stage to which they are being demoted.
    Reason for demotion (Optional) Enter additional information about the demotion.
  3. Click Next.

  4. (Optional) on the Deploy to Areas page, select the following options:

    • To queue the deployments immediately, select as soon as possible.

    • To schedule the deployments for a particular time, select at specified time, and select a date and time.

    • Under Area(s) for deployment, select the areas to which you want to deploy.

    You can select areas other than the default ones, or clear any default areas, only if you have the necessary privileges.

  5. Click Next.

  6. On the Summary page, review the actions to be carried out and click Finish.

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See also: