Promote and deploy in the same operation

If you have the appropriate privileges, you can promote and deploy objects in the same operation.

For example, when you run the Promote command and select a stage, you can also select areas to be deployed to that are attached to the stage.

Automatic deployment (Deploy by Default)

You can deploy files automatically (Deploy by Default) to one or more deployment areas when you run the Promote command.

Guidelines and behaviors:

  • You need a role to promote to the stage to which the area is attached.

  • You select the Deploy by Default option when you assign a deployment area to a project or stream. For details, see Assign deployment areas.

  • Deploy by Default is not a global setting and is set for each deployment area.

  • When you apply Deploy by Default to an area, it automatically applies to all deployment activities for that area, including rollback.

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Promote with deployment rules

  • When you select a deployment area, it must be at the same stage to which you are promoting. For example, if you are promoting to the SIT stage, any area that you select must be attached to that stage. You cannot select an area that is not at the same stage.

  • If the deployment area list is empty and no deployment operation has been requested, no deployment areas are updated on the target stage during promotion.

  • If you have the appropriate privilege for an area, you can choose which default deployment areas of the target (promote to) stage are populated.

  • If you bypass stages during a promotion, default deployment areas assigned to the bypassed stages are not deployed to.

    Example: There are default deployment areas attached to the SIT and QA stages. You promote from the DEV stage straight to QA, bypassing SIT. The QA default deployment areas are populated, but the SIT default deployment areas are not deployed to.

  • You do not need any privilege to deploy to default deployment areas, as this privilege is implicit (permission is given automatically if you have the privilege to promote to the stage).

  • You need a privilege to deploy to non-default deployment areas, as this privilege is explicit. Because the area is not a default one, you require the privilege for that area before you can deploy to the area.

See also: