View deployment activities

You can view and filter the lists of deployment activities in the content pane of the Deployment view. Drill down to view details about the jobs or associated objects.

View activities

View the lists of deployment-related activities in the Pending, Queue, and History tabs of the Deployment view.

To page through and refresh the list of activities, use the following UI buttons:

Button Description
list_page_next_button.gif View the next page.
list_page_back_button.gif View the previous page.
list_ending_button.gif View the last page.
list_beginning_button.gif View the first page.
list_refresh_button.gif Refresh the deployment list.

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Filter activities

Filter the lists in the content pane to narrow down the displayed entries based on your criteria.

The following table describes how to use filters.

Task Description
Filter by category

From the Show list, select the job category:

  • Queue tab: All, Queued, Executing, Scheduled.

  • Pending and History tabs: All, Items, Requests, Baselines.

Filter by queued date

Select the period from the jobs queued list.

On the History tab, view only the events that can be rolled back
  1. Click the filter icon at the top left of the History tab.

  2. Select Hide if can’t roll back.

  3. Click the Apply button.

Hide promotions on the Pending tab
  1. Select one or more rows in the content pane.

  2. Click the Hide button.

  3. In the Hide Promotion dialog box, click Yes.

Include hidden promotions on the Pending tab
  1. Click the filter icon at the top left of the Pending tab.

  2. Select Include hidden promotions.

  3. Click the Apply button.

Show promotions on the Pending tab
  1. Click the filter icon at the top left of the Pending tab.

  2. Select Include hidden promotions.

  3. Select one or more rows in the content pane.

  4. Click the Unhide button.

  5. In the Unhide Promotion dialog box, click Yes.

Filter jobs queued by column values
  1. Click the filter icon at the top left of the content pane. An extra row is displayed.

  2. Click the More button.

  3. Select the field you want to filter on in the left-hand list.

  4. Select the comparison operator from the second list.

  5. In the right-hand list, enter or select the value. For date and time, use the date picker.

  6. To add another filter criterion, click the More button and repeat steps 3–5.

  7. Click the Apply button.

Clear the filter
  1. Click the filter icon at the top left of the content pane.

  2. Click the Clear button.

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View job details

Drill down into rows in the content pane to view the status details and properties for the jobs or associated objects.

To view more details, click the links in the fields of each row.

To view job details on the History tab:

  1. Click the link in the Event Result column for the job. The Status Details window displays details of the event.

  2. If the job is a build job and you want to view more details:

    1. Click the job link in the Status Details window.

    2. Click the entry in the Build Job Details dialog box.

    The Build Job Event log is displayed.

To view job details on the Queue tab:

  • Click the link in the Job ID column. The Queued Job Properties window is displayed.

  • Click the link in the Job State column. The Status Details window is displayed.

To view object details for a request, item, or baseline, click the link in the Name column for the job.

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See also: