Configure Dimensions CM

Previous step: Configure Deployment Automation

After preparing a Deployment Automation instance, set up Dimensions CM to work with Deployment Automation (DA).

Step 1: Check Dimensions CM configuration

Check the URL of the Deployment Automation server in the dm.cfg server configuration file.

To check the CM configuration:

  1. Verify that the Dimensions CM server configuration file %DM_ROOT%/dm.cfg contains the DM_SDA_URL variable. The variable must point to the URL of the DA server.

    In this example, DA is installed on the same machine as the CM server:

    Copy code
  2. If you are using SSO, check that users who are configuring and promoting assets have the required privileges in Deployment Automation.

    If you are not using SSO, configure the integration to authenticate through the Deployment Automation service account. For details, see Authenticate with Deployment Automation.

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Step 2: Map product to DA application

In the Dimensions CM Administration Console, map the QLARIUS product to the Deployment Automation application QLARIUS.

To map the product to the DA application:

  1. Log in to the Administration Console and select Product Administration > Product definitions.

  2. In the main window, select QLARIUS.

  3. For Automation Application, select QLARIUS.

  4. For Default Process, select CompProcessInstall.

  5. Click OK.

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Step 3: Map GSL stages to DA environments

In the Dimensions CM Administration Console, map the stages of the Global Stage Lifecycle (GSL) to Deployment Automation environments.

To map GSL stages DA environments:

  1. In the Administration Console, select Distributed Development > Areas & Deployment > Global stage lifecycle.

  2. Select the SIT stage.

  3. On the toolbar, click Properties.

  4. In the Stage Properties dialog box, for Deployment Automation To, select Pipeline and then SIT_DA.

  5. Map the other stages to the same DA environments.

  6. Click OK.

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