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HpsvPersistentContext Class

Represents simulation context capable to store persistent values. Available via HpsvContextsList
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  HP.SV.DotNetRuleApi
Assembly:  HP.SV.DotNetRuleApi (in HP.SV.DotNetRuleApi.dll) Version:
public class HpsvPersistentContext : HpsvContext

The HpsvPersistentContext type exposes the following members.

Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key.
(Inherited from HpsvContext.)
Public propertyKeys
Returns all keys stored within the context.
(Inherited from HpsvContext.)
Public methodAdd
Adds or Replaces the value for a given key
(Inherited from HpsvContext.)
Public methodAddPersistent
Adds or Replaces the value for a given key, the value will survive SV restart
Public methodClear
Removes all keys and values from the context
(Inherited from HpsvContext.)
Public methodContainsKey
Checks if it contains a given key
(Inherited from HpsvContext.)
Public methodRemove
Removes value for a given key
(Inherited from HpsvContext.)
Public methodTryGetDeserializedValueT
Tries to re-serialize stored value. This is useful when you need to pass object between multiple service operations or multiple services. If such object is defined within a shared script then it is internally a distinct .NET type for each service operation. This method tries to overcome that via binary serialization/deserialization
(Inherited from HpsvContext.)
Public methodTryGetValueT
Attempts to get the value associated with the specified key.
(Inherited from HpsvContext.)
See Also