What's New - LoadRunner Cloud 2021.10

The following features were introduced or enhanced in LoadRunner Cloud version 2021.10.

What's New video

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New locations for cloud load generators

The following locations are now included for cloud load generators:

Vendor Location Region / Zone
AWS Cape Town South Africa
Azure São Paulo Brazil South
GCP Sydney Australia

For a complete list of the distribution locations, see Vuser distribution locations.

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MS Teams integration for push notifications

Administrators can now define events, and indicate which Microsoft Teams channel will be notified when LoadRunner Cloud real time events occur.

For details, see Events.

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Metrics tree enhancements

The metrics tree now includes the More Information menu . The new menu enables you to customize the active graph by showing scripts, transactions, errors, and emulations related to the metric.

For details, see Choose metrics.

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Floating values for percentiles

You can now specify a value with a decimal point for the Transaction Response Time percentile. LoadRunner Cloud supports percentile values from 0.1 to 99.9.

For details, see Report sections.

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Script duplication

You can now duplicate scripts from within the Assets area, in addition to the Load Tests > Scripts area available in previous versions. You can then run the same script with multiple configurations, providing wider testing capabilities.

For details, see Overview.

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Upgraded support for Bamboo

LoadRunner Cloud now supports Bamboo versions 6.8 - 8.0.3.

For more details, see the Support Matrix.

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License report enhancements

The License area now contains a Summary tab. This replaces the Allocation tab in previous versions. The Summary tab shows administrators a comprehensive summary of the entitlement, consumption, and allocation information per license.

For details, see License summary.

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New public API operation

A new capability was added to the LoadRunner Cloud public API. Admins can now add or remove users in bulk for multiple projects, using a public API call.

For details, see Public API.

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Oracle NCA on cloud load generators

Oracle NCA scripts are now supported on cloud load generators.

For more details, see Scripts.

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Support for LoadRunner 2021 R2

LoadRunner Cloud now supports the latest version of the LoadRunner family of products, version 2021 R2.

For more details, see Support Matrix.

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See also:

Integration with LoadRunner Developer for OPLGs

You can now run LoadRunner Developer scripts on OPLGs (on-premises load generators).

For details, see the LoadRunner Developer Help Center.

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See also: