VuGen scripts

This topic describes how to upload your scripts from VuGen to LoadRunner Enterprise to then run performance tests.

VuGen scripts overview

VuGen is Micro Focus's primary tool for creating testing scripts that emulate the behavior of real users on your system.

By including VuGen scripts in your LoadRunner Enterprise tests, you can run VuGen test scripts side-by-side with any other scripts, giving you a single entry point for executing your performance tests.

Measurements can be viewed online and offline (via LoadRunner Enterprise and Analysis), using the data points from the VuGen test scripts.

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Create and upload a VuGen script

To upload scripts from VuGen to LoadRunner Enterprise:

  1. Prerequisites

    Create a script in VuGen. For details, see the Virtual User Generator Help Center.

    Note: The file path inside a script folder must not exceed 260 characters.

  2. Upload the script to LoadRunner Enterprise

    You can upload the script in any of the following ways:

  3. Edit the script parameters - optional

    After you have uploaded a VuGen script to LoadRunner Enterprise, you can edit the script parameters. For details, see Edit script parameters.

  4. Create a LoadRunner Enterprise test, and assign the VuGen script to it.

    For details, see Design a test.

  5. Run the performance test.

    For details, see Run performance tests.

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See also: