Create New Trend Report page

This page enables you to create trend reports.

To access
  1. From the LoadRunner Enterprise navigation toolbar, click and select Performance Trending (under Applications).

  2. On the Performance Trending page, click New Trend Report.

Relevant tasks

Define a trend report

General Details Pane

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements



The name of the report.


A description of the report.

Contents and Layouts Pane

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements



A description of the selected template.

Transaction Trends template

Provides trend views that display trending information for the following measurements:

  • Transaction Response Time

  • Transaction Pass/Fail Summary

  • Transactions per Second

Transactions and Monitors Trends template

Provides trend views that display trending information for the following measurements:

  • Transaction Response Time

  • Transaction Summary

  • System Resources (specifically: CPU utilization, Disk utilization, and Available memory)

Trend by Quality Attributes template

Provides trend views that display trending information from the point of view of quality attributes. The following shows which measurements are trended, and by which quality attribute the information is displayed when the Trend by Quality Attributes template is selected:

  • Performance. Transaction Response Time (compared to baseline).

  • System Performance. CPU utilization, Disk utilization, Available memory.

  • Availability. Transaction Summary (compared to baseline).

  • Repeatability. Transaction Percentiles (compared to baseline).

  • Stability. Error Statistics, Transaction Failures..

For details on comparison methods, see Select a comparison method to identify trends.

User Defined template

This template provides only the basic layout for the report with no further predefined tab or trend view configuration.

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