Cloud Operations report

The Cloud Operations report shows operations on your cloud hosts.

To access:

LoadRunner Enterprise
  1. From the LoadRunner Enterprise navigation toolbar, click and select Reports.

  2. Expand Resource Utilization, and select Cloud Operations.

LoadRunner Enterprise Administration

On the LoadRunner Enterprise Administration sidebar, select Reports > Resource Utilization > Cloud Operations.

User interface:

User interface elements are described below.

Tip: When viewing grids, you can sort a grid according to the values of any column. The arrow in the heading displays whether the column is sorted in ascending or descending order. Click the column heading to reverse the order.

UI Elements Description


LoadRunner Enterprise:

Click arrow and select time range for the report.

Allows you to choose which cloud accounts are included in the report output. Hosts are shown in the report output only if they were provisioned from one of the selected cloud accounts.

<Report toolbar>

LoadRunner Enterprise Administration:

For details of the report toolbar, see Reporting Summary.

Displays the selected time range and the number of projects included in the report.

Click Filter to select the time range and projects:

  • Select Time Range. Enables you to select the desired date range for the report.
  • Select Projects. Enables you to choose which projects are included in the report output. Hosts are shown in the report output only if they were provisioned from one of the selected projects.
  • Cloud Account. Enables you to choose which cloud accounts are included in the report output. Hosts are shown in the report output only if they were provisioned from one of the selected cloud accounts.
Request ID The cloud provider's ID for the cloud operation.
User The user who initiated the test run.
Operation The type of cloud operation: Provision or Terminate.
Start Time The date and time the cloud operation was initiated.
Duration The time in minutes that it took to provision or terminate the hosts.
Amount Requested

Provision operations: The number of hosts requested from the cloud provider.

Terminate operations: The number of hosts terminated.

Amount Succeeded

Provision operations: The number of hosts actually provisioned. Blank if no hosts were successfully provisioned.

Terminate operations: The number of hosts terminated.

Project The project that initiated the cloud operation.

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See also: