Timeslots module

This module enables you to reserve timeslots for running Performance tests using the Calendar or Grid view.

Note: For details on reserving hosts for performing maintenance tasks (administrators only), see Manage timeslots.

Calendar View

This view enables you to view the timeslots in a calendar view. The Calendar view is time-oriented. It allows you to view your timeslots scheduled for the same day, and to get a visual indication of overlapping timeslots.

To access: On the LoadRunner Enterprise navigation bar, select Timeslots (under Resources).

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Elements (A-Z)


Create Timeslot. Opens the Add New Timeslot dialog box, enabling you to reserve timeslots for running performance tests. For details, see Create timeslot reservations.
Edit Timeslot. Opens the Edit Timeslot dialog box, enabling you to edit a selected timeslot for running performance tests. For details, see Create timeslot reservations.
Delete Timeslot. Deletes the selected timeslot.
Abort Timeslot. Aborts the selected timeslot.
Grid view. Enables you to view timeslots in a flat, non-hierarchical view. Each line in the grid displays a separate timeslot. This view is useful for filtering the timeslots and for viewing the details of multiple timeslots simultaneously.

Today. Displays the current day only on the calendar.

Day. Displays the date selected in the date selector.

Work Week. Displays the 5-day work week around the date selected in the date selector.

Week. Displays the full week around the date selected in the date selector.

All Projects / Current Project

All Projects. Displays timeslots for all projects.

Current Project. Displays timeslots for the current project.

<Date navigator>

Enables you to select the day/week to display in the main calendar grid.

My Timeslots for Today

Displays open and future timeslots that you reserved for the current day in the current project.


Displays the reserved timeslots in your projects in calendar form.

The timeslots in the calendar view are color-coded as follows:

  • Performance timeslots

  • Maintenance timeslots

  • Data processing timeslots

  • Read only timeslots, reserved in other projects

Summary tab

Displays a summary of the timeslot selected in the calendar.

  • Timeslot ID. The timeslot ID.

  • Name. The name of the timeslot.

  • Validity. The validity of the timeslot:

    • Valid. The timeslot is valid.
    • Failed. The timeslot failed (Because resources unexpectedly became unavailable; Because of a change in license definitions; Because of changes in project settings; In the case of a testing timeslot, due to changes such as the validity of a test, a or test set.

  • Performance Test. The name of the performance test linked to the timeslot.

  • Post-run action. The post-run action specified for the linked performance test.

  • Start. How the timeslot is started:

    •  Manually. The timeslot reservation reserves testing resources only.
    •  Automatically. The linked tests or test sets automatically start running at the start of the timeslot, without any manual intervention.
  • Start time. The start time of the timeslot.

  • End time. The end time of the timeslot.

  • Duration. The duration of the timeslot (in minutes).

  • Hosts. The number of hosts requested for the timeslot.

  • Vusers. The number of Vusers requested for the timeslot.

  • Project. The project in which the timeslot was created.

  • Created by. The user who created the timeslot.

  • Last modified by. The user who last modified the timeslot.

  • Priority modified. The date and time that the priority of the timeslot was modified.

  • Description. Displays a description of the timeslot.

Available for Maintenance timeslots only:

  • Maintenance state. The state of the maintenance timeslot.

Available for Data processing timeslots only:

  • Processing state. The state of the data processing timeslot.

Host Allocation tab

Displays the allocation of hosts for the selected timeslot. For future timeslots, the host allocation is a temporary allocation.

  • Purpose. The purpose of the load generator.

  • Requested. Displays the requested hosts, including the requested properties.

  • Actual. Displays the specific hosts allocated for the timeslot. May display the following in place of specific host names:

    • Not Allocated. Requested hosts could not be allocated.
    • Allocated (Deleted). The allocated host was deleted after the timeslot start time.

    Note: If an allocated automatch Controller or load generator host becomes unavailable, the system attempts to replace the allocated host with another host with similar properties. If no host is available, the timeslot becomes partially allocated and is rendered invalid.

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Grid View

Enables you to view timeslots in a flat, non-hierarchical view. Each line in the grid displays a separate timeslot. This view is useful for filtering the timeslots and for viewing the details of multiple timeslots simultaneously.

To access: On the LoadRunner Enterprise navigation bar, select Timeslots (under Resources).

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Elements


Calendar View. Enables you to view the timeslots in a calendar view.The Calendar view is time-oriented. It allows you to view your timeslots scheduled for the same day, and to get a visual indication of overlapping timeslots.

Create Timeslot. Opens the Add New Timeslot dialog box, enabling you to reserve timeslots for running performance tests. For details, see Create timeslot reservations.
Edit Timeslot. Opens the Edit Timeslot dialog box, enabling you to edit a selected timeslot for running performance tests. For details, see Create timeslot reservations.
Abort Timeslot. Aborts the selected timeslot.
Delete Timeslot. Deletes the selected timeslot.
Add Filter

Enables you to filter the information being displayed in the timeslots grid. Click the drop-down arrow to apply a filter.

Last Modified Enables you to filter the information being displayed in the grid by the last modified date. Click the drop-down arrow to apply a filter.
ID A unique numeric ID for the timeslot, assigned automatically by LoadRunner Enterprise. This is a read-only field.
Valid indicates whether the timeslot is valid .
Created By The user who reserved the timeslot.
Start Time The date and time that the timeslot is due to start or started.
Duration The duration of the timeslot.
Hosts The number of hosts (including Controller) requested for the timeslot.
Vusers The number of Vusers reserved for the timeslot.
Test The name of the test.
Run A unique numeric ID for the run, assigned automatically by LoadRunner Enterprise. This is a read-only field.
End Time The date and time that the timeslot ends.
Event Log

Displays a log of events related to the currently selected timeslot.

  • ID. The event ID.

  • Type. An indication of the event's severity. From most to least severe: error, warning, or info.

  • Time. The date and time the event was logged.

  • Event. The category of action where the event occurred.

  • Description. A description of the event.

  • Responsible. The user, or automated system process responsible for the event.

Host Allocation tab

Displays the allocation of hosts for the selected timeslot. For future timeslots, the host allocation is a temporary allocation.

  • Purpose. The purpose of the load generator.

  • Requested. Displays the requested hosts, including the requested properties.

  • Actual. Displays the specific hosts allocated for the timeslot. May display the following in place of specific host names:

    • Not Allocated. Requested hosts could not be allocated.
    • Allocated (Deleted). The allocated host was deleted after the timeslot start time.

    Note: If an allocated automatch Controller or load generator host becomes unavailable, the system attempts to replace the allocated host with another host with similar properties. If no host is available, the timeslot becomes partially allocated and is rendered invalid.

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See also: