Topologies Module

This module enables you to create and manage topologies.

To access:

From the LoadRunner Enterprise navigation toolbar, click and select Assets > Topologies.

User interface:

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Elements


New Topology Folder. Enables you to create a topology folder.

New Topology. Opens the Add Topology dialog box, enabling you to create a new topology. For details, see Add / Update Topology Dialog Box.

Delete. Enables you to delete the selected topologies.

Filter. To filter the topologies tree by resource name, type the name (or part of the name) in the search box. LoadRunner Enterprise displays all resources that contain the search string.

Design Topology

Opens the Topology Designer window, enabling you to design topologies. For details, see Topology Designer Window.

Edit Details

Opens the Update Topology dialog box, enabling you to update the topology details. For details, see Add / Update Topology Dialog Box.

<Topologies tree>

Located on the left side of the window, organizes and displays your topologies hierarchically.

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See also: