Synchronize with Git

This topic describes how to use the LoadRunner Enterprise integration with Git plug-in to synchronize LoadRunner Enterprise with Git by uploading LoadRunner and JMeter scripts and tests stored in a Git repository to a LoadRunner Enterprise project.

Create a Git repository

The Git integration, available for plug-in versions 1.1.0 and later, enables you to:

Synchronize scripts

Synchronize scripts by uploading LoadRunner and JMeter scripts stored in a Git repository to a LoadRunner Enterprise project. For details, see Synchronize with Git.

Synchronize tests

Synchronize tests from YAML files saved in a Git repository to a LoadRunner Enterprise project. For details, see Synchronize with Git.

Run tests

Create tests from YAML input added to a field within the Jenkins Job configuration, and then run the tests. For details, see Run a performance test.


To synchronize scripts, copy the LoadRunner scripts generated in VuGen (or JMeter tests which are also supported) to one or several sub-folders in your GitHub repository.

You can create a new Git repository, or use an existing one to store your performance test scripts.

In the example below, the Git repository contains a folder named "scripts", and within it, different folders, each containing a performance script.

The plug-in identifies each folder that contains a .usr or .jmx file, which it compresses, and uploads to LoadRunner Enterprise.

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Create hooks that trigger a Jenkins build on a Git commit

This section explains how to automatically trigger a Jenkins build after committing a script with changes to the Git repository.

  1. In Github, open the Settings tab and click Hooks. Click Add webhook, and create a Webhook to the Jenkins server on the “push event” (see the next step for details on retrieving the correct URL from the Jenkins server).

  2. To create the Webhook in Git, you need to get the appropriate URL from the Jenkins server:

    1. Make sure Git Plugin and Github Plugin are installed in Jenkins. From Jenkins home, select Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Installed tab, and search for both plug-ins. If you can’t find them, you can install them from the Available tab.

    2. To retrieve the Webhook URL from the Jenkins server perform the following:

      1. From Jenkins Home, select Manage Jenkins > Configure System, and search for "GitHub Servers".

      2. In the GitHub Servers section, click the Advanced… button. The Override Hook URL section is displayed.

      3. Select the Specify another hook URL for GitHub configuration option. A text box displays the currently defined Hook URL.

    3. Copy the value displayed in the text box and use it in GitHub (as described in step 1 above).

      (Optional) Select the Just the push event option if you only want push events to trigger the build on the Jenkins server.

      Click Update webhook.

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Upload the plug-in to the Jenkins server

The LoadRunner Enterprise-Git integration plug-in enables you to synchronize performance test scripts from a Github repository to a project on the LoadRunner Enterprise server.

  1. Install the Jenkins server.

  2. Install the LoadRunner Enterprise integration with Git plug-in.

    For details on downloading and installing this plug-in, see LoadRunner Enterprise Integration With Git.

    1. Go to Jenkins home > Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Advanced.

    2. In the Upload Plugin section, select the micro-focus-performance-center-integration.hpi file and click Upload.

    3. Restart Jenkins if required.

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Configure a Jenkins job to synchronize scripts

You can create a Jenkins project to synchronize LoadRunner Enterprise with Git by uploading LoadRunner and JMeter scripts stored in a Git repository to a LoadRunner Enterprise project.

  1. In the Jenkins dashboard, click New Item, and select Freestyle project to create a new project.

  2. Enter the details of the project for the new Job:

    1. In the General section, select the GitHub project check box, and enter the URL of the Git repository in the Project URL box.

    2. In the Source Code Management section, select the Git option, and enter the Git URL in Repository URL field, and provide credentials for allowing access to this repository. Also define which branch to clone to the job's workspace.

    3. In the Build Triggers section, select the GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling option.

    4. In the Build section, go to the Add build step drop down list, and select Synchronize LoadRunner Enterprise with Git.

    5. Enter the following build step details:

      Argument Description
      Description Provide your own description of the build step purpose.
      LRE Server

      Enter the hostname or IP address of the LoadRunner Enterprise server.

      If the LoadRunner Enterprise server is not using the default port (80), mention it by adding a colon (:) and then the port number.

      Example: , or

      Note: Do not use the full URL of LoadRunner Enterprise server. For example, using https://myLREserver/LoadTest fails. Instead, just specify the myLREserver value in this field, and select the Use HTTPS Protocol option if a secured protocol is required.

      Use HTTPS Protocol Select this option if the LoadRunner Enterprise server is using a secured connection.

      <LRE credentials>


      Depending on the authentication type required by your LoadRunner Enterprise server, credentials can be a user name and password, or an API key for SSO or LDAP authentication.

      • Username and password:

        User name. Enter the user name required to connect to the LoadRunner Enterprise server.

        Password. Enter the password required to connect to the LoadRunner Enterprise server.

      • SSO or LDAP authentication:

        Select Authenticate with token.

        Enter the Client ID and Secret key obtained from your LoadRunner Enterprise site administrator in the Id Key and Secret key fields. For details, see Set up API access.

      Domain Enter the LoadRunner Enterprise domain of the project to which the scripts are uploaded.
      Project Enter the name of the LoadRunner Enterprise project in which the test to run is stored.
      Local Proxy

      Add your local proxy in the format: http(s)://host:port and enter the user name and password, or leave empty if not using a local proxy.

      Note: PAC (proxy auto-config) and Automatic configuration script are not supported.

      Proxy Credentials Proxy credentials or parameter pointing to such credentials.
      Test Plan folder

      The Test Plan folder path in LoadRunner Enterprise to which the scripts are loaded.

      Available paths can be found in the test management tree in the LoadRunner Enterprise user interface. The path must begin with "Subject" and be separated with backslashes (\). The path is case-sensitive.

      Upload script mode

      This corresponds to the similar option existing in LoadRunner Enterprise or VuGen:

      • All Files: All script files are uploaded. This takes longer to load.

      • Runtime Files: Only the required files are uploaded. This includes script files, Runtime Settings, and parameter files.

      Recommended value: Runtime Files

      Delete script

      This option enables you to synchronize script deletion from Git to LoadRunner Enterprise.

      Recommended value: Yes

      Import Tests

      (Available in plug-in version 1.1.0)

      Instructs the plug-in to synchronize the YAML file stored in Git. For details, see Configure a Jenkins job to synchronize tests below.

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Configure a Jenkins job to synchronize tests

Available in plug-in versions: 1.1.0 and later

You can create a Jenkins project to synchronize performance tests from YAML files stored in a GitHub or GitLab repository to a LoadRunner Enterprise project. The following procedure imports tests from YAML files that are saved in a Git repository.

To synchronize tests:

  1. Perform the steps in Configure a Jenkins job to synchronize scripts above, and for the Import Tests option, select Yes.

  2. Copy your YAML files to a folder in your Git repository (YAML files under the root of the Git repository are ignored). The plug-in creates the test in the LoadRunner Enterprise project according to:

    • The file name (without extension) which is used as the test name.

    • The location of the file in the Git repository which is the location of the test under the root folder ('Subject') in the test management tree.

    • The content of the YAML file, which must be composed according to the parameters described in the tables below.


      • All parameters must be in lowercase.

      • When a backslash (\) occurs in a value provided to a parameter (for example, a folder separator in a file path), a double backslash (\\) must be used instead.

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YAML parameters

This section describes the YAML file parameters.

Root parameters

Parameter Description Required

Defines the Controller to be used during the test run (it must be an available host in the LoadRunner Enterprise project). If not specified, a Controller is chosen from the Controllers available in the LoadRunner Enterprise project.

Available with plug-in version 1.1.1 and later: You can provision a Controller as a Docker image by specifying the value "Elastic" and providing a value for the controller_elastic_configuration parameter (see controller_elastic_configuration table below).

lg_amount Number of load generators to allocate to the test (every group in the test is run by the same load generators). Not required if each group defined in the group parameter defines the load generators it uses by the lg_name parameter (see group table below).
group Lists all groups or scripts defined in the test. The parameter to be used in each group are specified in the group table below. Yes
scheduler Defines the duration of a test, and determines whether virtual users are started simultaneously or gradually. See the scheduler table below. No


(Available with plug-in version 1.1.1 and later)

Defines the image to be used to provision load generators. See the lg_elastic_configuration table below.

Yes, if a load generator is defined to be provisioned from a Docker image.


(Available with plug-in version 1.1.1 and later)

Defines the image to be used in order to provision the Controller. See the controller_elastic_configuration table below. Yes, if the Controller is defined to be provisioned from a Docker image.
automatic_trending Defines the association to an existing trend report. No

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YAML file examples

This section illustrates the use of YAML files with the parameters described above.

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Run the job

You can run the job by either:

  • Merging a pull request to the master branch.

    The usual process is as follows:

    1. Commit a change to a branch (or fork).

    2. Push the change (pushing changes to master is not usually allowed unless you have admin rights).

    3. Create pull request.

    4. Merge pull request (this operation triggers the build as it pushes the change to master branch).

  • Manually triggering the build from Jenkins.


  • Make sure the machine running the job (the Jenkins server or a distributed node defined in the Jenkins server) can fetch everything required from the Git repository. You probably need to install Git client and configure the operating system of the machine that runs the build to allow this.

  • The synchronization process is set to find the previous build that ran successfully, and to include only the modifications from the build (if there are no differences, nothing is synchronized). If there has not been a successful build, everything is synchronized.

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Review the results

If the Debug option was selected in the Jenkins global configuration section (Manage Jenkins > Configure System), a stack trace is published in the log report when errors occur.

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Configure Jenkins using GitLab (instead of GitHub)

You can perform all the GitHub configuration steps explained above using GitLab instead. Here are the steps:

  1. Configure Jenkins with GitLab

    1. From Jenkins Home, select Manage Jenkins > Configure System.

    2. Define a GitLab connection and a GitLab Notifier configuration (both require a token from GitLab).

      Tokens can be retrieved from GitLab using User Settings > Access Token (you can set tokens with an expiration date, revoke them, and grant permissions and define permission levels).

  2. Configure a Jenkins job

    Create a new job, or use an existing one with the following settings:

    • In the Source Code Management section, allow the job to clone the repository within the workspace. Select the Git option, enter the Git URL in Repository URL field, and provide credentials for allowing access to this repository.

    • If you want to have the build triggered at a GitLab event, define a trigger in the Build Triggers section. Jenkins can create a secret token that can be used in the next step when creating a hook in the GitLab project (as described in the next section).
  3. Configure your GitLab project

    You can do this by performing either of the following:

    Creating a GitLab Hook to trigger a Git Merge

    To create a GitLab Hook to trigger a Jenkins build Git Merge:

    1. In your GitLab project, open Settings > Integrations.

    2. In the URL section, add the URL of your Jenkins job and use the secret token generated in the previous step if required.

    Defining the .gitlab-ci.yml file to trigger a Jenkins job

    Define the .gitlab-ci.yml file of your GitLab project to run a cURL command triggering a Jenkins job.

    This command can be performed from a Shell executor and send parameters which is not possible to do in the previous step.

    A simple command triggering Jenkins job with parameters (YAML_TEST being the parameter in the example) can be like this:

    curl -i -X POST http://MyJenkinsServer:8080/jenkins/job/MyJenkinsJob/buildWithParameters?YAML_TEST=Tests\yaml\yamlTest2.yaml

    (You can run this from a command prompt to test it. You might want to download cURL and install it in your GitLab Runners and in the machine testing the command.)

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Tips and troubleshooting

This section provides information for troubleshooting issues related to the LoadRunner Enterprise integration with Git.

Uploading builds

The first successful build uploads all scripts (this might take longer to sync). Subsequent builds include modifications from the previous successful build only, and should be much faster.

Deleting scripts

Synchronizing script deletion is optional in the build's configuration (it is enabled by default). However, failing to delete scripts in a LoadRunner Enterprise project after they have been deleted in the Git repository does not cause the build to fail.

Version control LoadRunner Enterprise projects with Version Control enabled are not supported.

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See also: