Configure test options

This topic describes how to configure options for a OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering test.

Configure general test options

You can set general options for a test from the Test Options dialog box.

  1. In the Test Management module, go to Test & Scripts . In the Tests and Scripts tab, click on an ID of a performance test.

  2. In the Groups and Workload tab, click the Test Options button Test Options button in the Groups pane toolbar. The Test Options dialog box opens.

  3. Select the General tab, and configure the options as required:

    UI Elements


    Enable Scheduler

    Enables the Scheduler so that you can run the test according to a user-defined schedule. To define a schedule, this option must be selected.

    • Stop test when Scheduler ends and Vusers are inactive. Automatically stops the test when the test schedule has stopped and all the Vusers are in any of the following inactive states: Down, Pass, Fail, Error, or Stop.

    • Start the Scheduler after a delay of HH:MM:SS. Enables you to specify when, after the Run Test command has been issued, the Scheduler should start running the schedule. If this option is not selected, the schedule starts to run as soon as the test starts running.

    • Wait for all groups to initialize. Instructs the Scheduler to wait until all the Vusers in all the Vuser groups have finished initializing before starting to run any of the groups.


      • This option is available only when the Scheduler is set to By Group. For details, see Types of test schedules.
      • If you select this option, if any of the Vuser groups' Initialize action is Initialize each Vuser just before it runs, the Scheduler automatically changes this setting to Initialize all Vusers simultaneously.

    • Pause Scheduler at test start. Pauses the Scheduler at the start of a test run, enabling you to make changes to the test design just before the test is about to run. You can then restart the Scheduler manually.

    Enable IP Spoofer

    After you define multiple IP addresses, and before you run the test, select this option to enable IP spoofing. For details about multiple IP addressing, see Configure multiple IP addresses.

    Note: You must enable IP spoofing before running a test.

    Set maximum number of concurrent Vusers

    The maximum number of concurrent Vusers allowed for this test.

    Disable Default Monitors

    OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering host monitors are automatically activated at the start of a test run by default. Select this check box to manually deactivate host monitors (this can save time in the initialization process when there are many load generators in the test). For details on the default monitors, see Monitors enabled by default.

    Do not change record Think Time (for Goal Scheduler)

    If selected, the test runs with the think time recorded in the script. For details, see Distribute Vusers by goal.


    • If you select this option, you may need to increase the number of Vusers in your scenario in order to reach your target.

    • This option is overridden by Ignore think time in Runtime Settings > Think Time. For details, see Configure runtime settings.

    Enable Web Page Diagnostics

    Generates Web Page diagnostics for each transaction. Specify the percentage of Vusers for which you want to collect diagnostics data. This value determines how many of the transactions on the application server are reported to the Controller. Reducing this percentage reduces the overhead on the application server.

    Web Page Diagnostics are available in the Web Page Diagnostics graphs in LoadRunner Analysis. For details, see OpenText Professional Performance Engineering Help Center.

    Example: If you enter a sampling value of 10% and run 20 Vusers in group1, 8 Vusers in group2, and 35 Vuser in group3, diagnostics data is collected for 2 Vusers in group1, 1 Vuser in group2, and 4 Vusers in group3 (numbers are rounded up to the nearest 10).


    • The maximum percentage of Vuser sampling allowed is 10.

    • The minimum percentage of Vuser sampling allowed is 1%, or 1 Vuser per group, whichever is more.

    Transfer scripts to load generators during test initialization stage

    Transfers all script files to load generators during the test initialization stage. This saves time by removing script downloading from the sequence of actions performed by the Scheduler. You can adjust the timeout for this setting in Controller Options; by default, it is set to 900 seconds (15 minutes). For details, see Configure timeout settings.

    Note: This option does not work with NV Insights. For details, see Integrate NV into a performance test.

    Use Smart Vuser allocation (only in percentage mode)

    Enables the Controller to use smart Vuser allocation to distribute Vusers among the load generators in a performance test. Smart Vuser allocation is only available in tests where Vusers are distributed By Percentage. For details, see Smart Vuser allocation.

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Configure collate options

You can set collate options for a test from the Test Options dialog box.

Note: For details on configuring collate result settings for the Controller, see Configure collate result settings.

  1. Select a performance test in the test management tree and click Edit Test.

  2. In the Groups and Workload tab, click the Test Options button Test Options button in the Groups pane toolbar. The Test Options dialog box opens.

  3. Select the Collate tab, and configure the options as required:

    UI Elements


    Collate Vuser logs

    Collates Vuser logs from remote load generators after the test ends. This setting is defined per test, and is saved across test runs. This option is selected by default so that the behavior remains consistent with previous versions of the application.

    Tip: We recommend clearing this option when extended log is enabled for one or more of the groups.

    Collate results

    Select an option for collating the run results:

    • During test run. Results are collated during the course of the test run, except for Vuser log and NV data which is always collated at the end of the test run. Collating results during runtime reduces the time required to gather all data at the end of the test run. This is the default setting.

    • At end of test run. This prompts automatic collation on completion of the test run.

    For details on collating run results, see Collate run data.


    • For projects upgraded or migrated from OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering 2020 SP1 or earlier, At end of test run was the only collate setting. For projects upgraded from OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering versions 2020 SP2 and later, the test retains the collate setting that was configured in the source.

    • If the system administrator sets the post-run action to Do not collate for the project, the collate option for all tests in the project is automatically set to At end of test run, and the collate results option is unavailable. When the administrator removes the post-run action restriction, the default During test run option is restored for all tests.

    • If the Controller is also a load generator, and the At end of test run option is selected, the transaction data will not be collated.

    Collate and export raw results

    Select Upload raw results to an external analysis database server (InfluxDB) to have OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering upload raw result data to an external InfluxDB according to the configuration settings in Test Options. Exporting raw data to an external analysis server enables you to share the data with other data vendors and view the data in third-party dashboards. The raw data is uploaded with the following tag structure: <Domain>_<Project>_<Run ID>

    This option is selected by default when the project has been assigned to an external Analysis database server in Administration. For details, see Manage analysis servers.


    • This option is not supported for the late collate operation.

    • Test results are only uploaded if the project is assigned to the analysis database server; they are still uploaded to the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering repository and are available in the user interface.

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See also: