Timeslot XML

Available in versions: 12.56 and later

The fields in the response are:

IDThe timeslot ID.
NameName of the timeslot.
DescriptionA description of the timeslot.
VuserNumberThe number of Vusers requested for the timeslot.
VudsNumberThe number of VUFDs that are defined in the linked test.
PostRunActionThe action to be taken when the test run is complete: DoNothing, CollateOnly, CollateAnalyze.
StartTimeThe UTC date and time (in hours and minutes) that the timeslot starts.
EndTimeThe UTC date and time (in hours and minutes) that the timeslot ends.
DurationInMinutes The duration of the timeslot (in minutes).
LoadTestName Name of the load test.
LoadTestID ID of the load test.
LoadTestInstanceID Enables you to link a performance test instance to the timeslot.
CreatedBy The user who created the timeslot.
CreationDate The UTC date and time the timeslot was created.
CurrentRunStateThe current run state of the entity linked to the timeslot: None, Not Started, Running, Run Failure, Inactive, Before Collating Results, Before Analyzing Results, Finished.
IsAdHocIndicates whether timeslot duration is reserved ad-hoc or reserved in advance (true/false).

The timeslot has no conflicts; hosts from all timeslot demands can be allocated in the selected time interval. This value can change dynamically when a demand cannot be satisfied, or when a new host is available for allocation.

IsTestAutostart The linked tests or test sets automatically start running at the start of the timeslot, without any manual intervention (true/false).

Displays the status of timeslots reserved for the current day: Closed, Open, Future.

ProjectID The ID of the project.
FailureDescription List of conflicts that prevent allocation of the timeslot. Displayed only when querying a timeslot by ID.
AllocatedDemands List of demands for the timeslot. Displayed only when querying a timeslot by ID.

See Also

Create or get all timeslots
Delete a timeslot
Check timeslots availability