Advanced admin tasks

This topic discuss advanced tasks that a workspace or space administrator can perform in the settings area.

Set a post-login message

Admins can set messages at the site and space levels. The messages are displayed to users upon their next login to the system. If you define messages on both a site and shared space level, the site message is displayed first.

Admins can define messages for future use, activating or deactivating them depending on whether they are currently relevant.

To create post-login messages:

  1. Open the Settings menu and select Site or Spaces.

  2. Select More Settings.

  3. Click Login message in the side pane.

  4. Add a title and the text of a message.

  5. Select Enable the displaying of a custom message for all users after login. Clear this check box to temporarily deactivate the message.

  6. Click the Save button. The message will now appear for all users after they log in.

To close the message popup, users need to confirm they have read the message. After this confirmation, the post-login message is not displayed again.

If an admin deactivates a message and then activates it at a later time, all users will see the message again, even if they had confirmed the contents of the popup at an earlier time.

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View the activity log

The activity log is an audit of all actions performed on entities. You can view the audit in a workspace's Activity Log tab.

Audit information for activities performed at the shared space level is not available in the UI. You can use REST API requests to retrieve such information. For details, see Auditing and viewing history.

The activity log tracks Create, Delete, Restore, and Update actions for entities. In addition, the log tracks the following actions: Delete from Recycle Bin, Generate report, and Import entities.


  • You can filter the grid by activity type. Open the filter bar, and select the Action field to filter on.
  • Use the Caused by field to view the updates that were introduced in a release process or a specific auto action.

The activity log also includes information on entities that were moved from one workspace to another. In such a case, an activity is logged in both the origin and destination workspaces.

Each activity is assigned an ID number. Click the ID number to view the full audit history of the entity in question.

Permissions: Access to the activity log requires the General System Action > View activity log permission. The default Workspace Admin role includes the required permission.


If baselines are defined, you can group the change sets by the baseline in which the changes occurred.

Note: For details on required permissions for viewing baselines, see Baselines.

To view changes by baseline:

  1. Turn on the Show baselines switch.

  2. If a baseline is designated as a live instance, you can open the item in the baseline version.

    Hover over the baseline header and click View entity in baseline.

  3. (Optional) Use the Expand all baselines and Collapse all baselines buttons to expand or collapse the baseline groups.

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Restore items from the recycle bin

Some entities that you delete items are sent to the recycle bin. From the recycle bin, you can restore the deleted items to the workspace, or delete them permanently.

The following items are sent to the recycle bin: defects, manual tests.

Note: Operations in the recycle bin require the Manage permission for the Recycled Item entity. This permission is located in the Administration group. Recycle bin permissions are included in the default Workspace Admin role. For details, see Roles and permissions.

To restore an item:

  1. Open the Settings menu and click Spaces.
  2. Select the workspace from which the item was deleted.
  3. Click the Recycle Bin tab.
  4. Select the items that you want to restore.

    You can select more than one item at a time, but all items must be of the same entity type. For example, you can select several defects to restore at once.

  5. Click the Restore button . The selected items and their child items, such as tasks or runs, are restored to the workspace.

    Relationships to other items are also restored, but some relationships might not be restored successfully. For details, see Limitations.

  6. To permanently delete an item from the recycle bin, select the item and click the Delete permanently button.


Note the following limitations when working with the recycle bin:

  • The following table lists the maximum number of items that can be restored from the recycle bin at one time, for each entity.

    Entity Maximum number of items
    Manual tests 10
    Defects 200
  • When an item is restored from the recycle bin, some of its relationships might not be restored successfully. For example, relationships might not be restored in the following cases:

    • A defect belonged to a feature, and the defect was deleted, and later the feature was also deleted. If the defect is restored, the relationship to the feature is not restored.

    • A manual test was part of a test suite, and was deleted. Then, other changes were made to the test suite. If the manual test is restored, it might not be restored to the same position in the test suite.

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See also: