This Readme provides the latest information about OpenText ™ PPM 24.3.
View the PPM Help Center online to access the most up-to-date version of the documentation and readme.
Getting Started
What's new? | For a list of new features and enhancements in PPM, see What's New in PPM 24.3. |
Install PPM 24.3 |
For details, see the Installation and Upgrade Guide. |
Upgrade PPM to 24.3 |
You can upgrade PPM to 24.3 from 2023 or any later version. For details, see the Installation and Upgrade Guide. |
System requirements and supported environments | For system requirements and supported environments information, see System Requirements and Compatibility Matrix. |
Integrations | For details about the supported integrations with PPM, see PPM Integrations. |
APM Release Notes | For details, see the APM Release Notes. |
Fixes | For defect fixes included in PPM 24.3, see Fixes. |
Known issues | For known issues in PPM 24.3, see Known issues. |
OCTCL44A | Symptom | Resolution |
1181326 | Users' specified skills disappear when they review their profile and click Done. | Fixed |
1179354 | A Save button should not appear on a read-only work plan template. | Fixed |
1181424 | Creating a new org unit with the same name and assigned resource as an existing one is not possible. However, the KRSC_ORG_UNIT_MEMBERS table is incorrectly updated with a non-existent org_unit_id. | Fixed |
1181428 | If the Request Summary Pie Chart portlet name contains an apostrophe, a backslash is added to the breadcrumb trail string in the drill-down view when you click the next or previous buttons. These backslashes multiply each time you click either button. | Fixed |
1185363 | Temporary files are generated sometimes upon server restart. The script should remove these files but it fails to do so. | Fixed |
1187824 | When adding a URL reference to a request or project, the description text field consistently displays an HTML title attribute as 'null'. This results in the description showing 'null' when hovering over it, regardless of the actual text entered. | Fixed |
1197185 | Fail to deactivate a user using the /useradmin/users/disable REST API. | Fixed |
1196003 | The kFips script generates varying lengths of encrypted strings for the same keyword. | Fixed |
1193735 | Some preconfigured menu items do not have German translation. | Fixed |
1192700 | An 'internal error' message is displayed instead of a 'request ID not found' message when entering a non-existing request ID. | Fixed |
1197253 | Notes are no longer sorted by date/time like it was before 9.42.0003 | Fixed |
1192781 | Values of FINANCIAL_BENEFIT_AVOIDANCE_CATEGORY are removed after upgrading from 9.42 to 9.53. | Fixed |
1418046 | UNPIVOT queries with multiple columns supplied cannot be executed in the Admin Console. | Fixed |
1619193 | When reopening a task, an error occurs if attempting to reduce the % complete below 100% or extend the finish date. | Fixed |
1651057 | When using the /useradmin/users/update REST API to update user information, preconfigured fields can be updated but user data fields cannot be updated successfully. | Fixed |
1651613 | /dm/requestTypes/{id}/requests/advancedSearch API does not work after upgrade. | Fixed |
1651816 | The DISABLE_SCP_FILENAME_QUOTE token in the ksc_copy_server_server special command does not work. | Fixed |
1651841 | Get the "Actual finish is required when percent complete equals 100." error when trying to edit a task. | Fixed |
1652782 | When opening the PPM workbench, if there are multiple licenses with various expiry dates, PPM checks the nearest expiry date and do not allow the workbench to be opened. | Fixed |
1654960 | Bearer authentication is not supported for OData API. | Fixed |
1658016 | Out Of Memory error may occur on the PPM node when some users export millions of requests to excel at the same time. | Fixed |
1666933 | Pages newly added to a module cannot be deleted. | Fixed |
1673172 | When users visit the staffing profiler, a PPMC_WSE000 error is displayed in the server log. | Fixed |
1675160 | Fail to migrate entities in aws environment. | Fixed |
1674319 | Cannot upgrade PPM to 24.2. | Fixed |
1673547 | Error occurs when using the Quick Search to Add Items option to add items to a time sheet. | Fixed |
1675569 | When zooming in and out on the Program Overview and Cost tabs, the program width settings change to floating values, preventing access to the respective pages. | Fixed |
1675654 | The webhook configured on the request type settings page successfully sends POST requests to a receiving server when saving a request. However, it fails to trigger and send requests when using the workflow step action button to progress the workflow. | Fixed |
1675659 | When migrating a request type, a rule defining the request type's default workflow cannot be migrated because the migration process fails to locate the referenced workflow in the destination environment. | Fixed |
1674711 | Auto-complete and drop-down list values should be readable by reader software. | Fixed |
1680062 | After moving to Amazon Linux server 2023, packages cannot be migrated via SCP when the command contains double quotes and back slashes. | Fixed |
1682095 | When more than one PPM requests are sent to SAML provider for authentication, some of these requests throw the error "Response does not match an authentication request" after authentication. | Fixed |
1682352 | It takes long time to open a request type in the Workbench. | Fixed |
1684566 | After upgrading to version 24.2 and switching to a new operating system, tab characters between commands in the report are not recognized. | Fixed |
1684567 | Notes do not wrap correctly when exported to PDF. | Fixed |
1685586 | Config server.conf parameter OVERRIDE_PENDING_REFERENCES_ONLY_WITH_ACCESSGRANT to restrict the Override button in a workflow to admin users only. | Fixed |
1684593 | When request are enabled signing for SAML2 SSO in PPM, the SAML response returns the Invalid XML error for authenticated requests sent from PPM. | Fixed |
1684604 | When adding tasks to a time sheet, the Hierarchical view in the Add Tasks to Time Sheet dialog box does not list tasks in chronological order. | Fixed |
1685604 | Adding the "Submit Reports/Edit All Reports" access grant to a security group without prior report access causes the security group to incorrectly appear in the allow list of a report type, even when the report type is configured to "Always restrict New Security Groups". | Fixed |
1684664 | JSON APIs behave differently in 2024.1 compared to 2023.4. While API calls succeed, special command execution times out and fails to parse or load response values into request fields. | Fixed |
1682954 | Accessing PPM reports directly via the report URL without authentication results in a GUID error on the PPM page and records the java.lang.NullPointerException error in the server log. | Fixed |
1707228 | Searching requests on the Request requests page is slow and leads to timeout. | Fixed |
1421385 | Some table definitions and changes are missing from the data model guide. | Fixed |
Fixes in 24.2
OCTCL44A | Symptom | Resolution |
1202157 | When some of the code in JS editor expands too long in the input area, causing it to wrap, the last few lines of the code becomes invisible. | Fixed |
1353027 | Clicking Done on the Financial Summary page returns to the Edit Cost Page instead of the program details. | Fixed |
1404495 | The Field Change History only records the "TO" value and does not record the "Change From" value. This issue occurs only when the field value length is longer than 100 characters. | Fixed |
1406343 | The "Project #" in the "Linked Project" filter displays the project_id instead of the request_id, which it should show. | Fixed |
1408088 | Cannot load auto-complete list data when the SQL in the validation ends with semicolon. | Fixed |
1409159 | Borders appear for portlets on the portfolio overview page and the portfolio drill-down page even when the portlet is set to be border-less. | Fixed |
1411186 | Quick search failed to locate a request for time sheet with the given request ID. | Fixed |
1416023 | Failed to run the Delinquent Timesheet Report when "Include Child Org Unit" is set to Yes. | Fixed |
1416080 | When logging into PPM in a multilingual instance with Single Sign-On (SSO) enabled, users may encounter a login page lock after selecting a language, preventing further progress. | Fixed |
1416083 | The ksc_run_command_in_other_requests command cannot pass null values to subsequent requests. | Fixed |
1421248 | Encountered an unknown error after login. | Fixed |
1422394 | Drill-down portlet failed to display. | Fixed |
1426018 | Excel reports do not show data. | Fixed |
1429204 | Failed to configure load balancer server following the guidance of the documentation. | Fixed |
1429211 | Lower performance may result from configuring incorrect values for connectTimeout in server.xsl and connection_poll_timeout in | Fixed |
1443053 | When running in Cygwin, an error occurs with the message "CreateProcess error=206, The filename or extension is too long". | Fixed |
1442047 | The throws the "java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: JiBX_bindingList" error. | Fixed |
1540377 | The FILE_BASE column in the KVER_FILES table of the ITG Database is restricted to a maximum VARCHAR(50) length. However, the file being checked in exceeds the limit with 52 or more characters. | Fixed |
1587227 | Data is not synchronized from Octane to PPM. | Fixed |
1593537 | The personalize dashboard page does not respond, and the server log shows that the java.lang.NullPointerException occurs. | Fixed |
1613820 | When starting PPM, if there are some Interrupted Executions, it throws the java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.mercury.itg.core.service.impl.FeatureToggleFactory error. | Fixed |
1614059 | Error messages are not displayed completely in the report log. | Fixed |
1619188 | In PPM Doc, the RESTRICT_BYPASS_REQ_EXEC_TO_MANAGERS server.conf parameter description mentions the 'Manage Request' access grant which does not exist. | Fixed |
1617363 | In the server.log, a security violation has been detected for URI of the HTTP Request: /itg/core/ and the invalid value: predecessorValue(lag_0). | Fixed |
1632226 | The /useradmin/users/update REST API does not work properly. | Fixed |
1643886 | Upgrade failed due to the "java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long" error. | Fixed |
Fixes in 24.1
OCTCL44A | Symptom | Resolution |
1204671 | Issues occur when opening unsubmitted time sheets. | Fixed |
1206246 |
When running reports in Spanish, the displayed content fails to appropriately fit within the window. |
Fixed |
1207050 |
The External Request Info Sync Service consistently logs an error due to searching too many mapped requests with a long list, which ALM Octane cannot proceed. |
Fixed |
1206152 | Encounter a network error when trying to act on a request using PPM for Mobile. | Fixed |
1213107 | Integration with SAML2 does not work. | Fixed |
1309602 |
Executing the ksc_clear_staffingprofile_forecast_assignment special command consistently uses the login user instead of the specified user, which leads to the command execution failure. |
Fixed |
1310566 | When executing a PL/SQL procedure in a command step, an error occurs with the "Special Command is not complete" message. This issue persists, which leads to the corruption of the request. | Fixed |
1310576 | Unable to access the previously submitted reports of a certain report type after disabling that report type. | Fixed |
1349721 | The timeout error (504) occurs when running HTML+ portlets. | Fixed |
1349727 |
Timeout error loading HTML+ portlets due to the unsupported character "_" in AWS application load balancer HTTP header. |
Fixed |
1349943 | When a validation is configured with hierarchical selection in data source filter, it causes a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException error when accessing it in the Edit Preferences page of a portlet. | Fixed |
1350754 |
When adding an attachment in a PPM instance running on AWS, an error related to AWS credentials occurs, while the server can access the bucket manually and perform all operations successfully. |
Fixed |
1350762 | An error occurs when attempting SSH through the PPM environment from the KINTANA_SERVER, despite successful manual SSH and telnet to the server. | Fixed |
1350767 | Issue during request type migration that migration preview fails, but actual migration is successful. | Fixed |
1350834 | Users with non-English regional settings encounter problems when updating values in Unnamed Headcount on the Manage Pool Capacity page. | Fixed |
1351685 | When trying to open the Personalize Dashboard or Configure Modules pages, the "ModuleAssetTree not defined" error occurs. | Fixed |
1351690 | When a % field with decimals is exported to Excel, the field displays #NUM! instead of the actual number. | Fixed |
1355027 |
Using the "Request (New)" option in the reference section of a request to create a new request generates three entries in the "KCRT_REQUEST_DETAILS" database table. This leads to a display issue with three values in certain fields instead of the expected one. |
Fixed |
1355059 | SOAP requests return the "WSDoAllReceiver: security processing failed (actions mismatch)" error message after the upgrade to 23.4. | Fixed |
1356066 |
For a time sheet line that has a non-editable task activity, after making changes from the time sheet line's Line Details dialog box, that activity is missing. |
Fixed |
1357023 | Restricted users can still access reports of a specific type despite restrictions imposed by their security group. | Fixed |
1357024 |
Issues with importing table component from or exporting table component to Excel. |
Fixed |
1357042 |
Time approver's delegate can view the time sheet that requires approval from the delegator, but is unable to add audit notes to the time sheet via web services. |
Fixed |
1360023 |
Packages Workbench windows default to maximized, requiring users to manually restore each window to "stacked and tiled" windows. This is inconvenient for daily operations with multiple packages that need to be opened and tiled. |
Fixed |
1360071 | The execution log displays steps in an incorrect order. | Fixed |
1361041 |
A field, auto-filled by an SQL rule and made non-editable by a UI rule based on the value in another field, gets nullified after saving. |
Fixed |
1361042 |
The dashboard drill-down page has the following issues:
Fixed |
1361056 | A user, initially not assigned to a task, reports time on the task as a contributor. After being directly assigned to the task, the user cannot log time on the task in a time sheet but must log time directly on the task. | Fixed |
1406155 |
HTML character entities, such as Ampersand, are encoded in the exported Excel and XML files from Web SQL Runner. |
Fixed |