Team Overview Charts

This section describes how each chart in the Team Overview tab helps you to monitor your team.

Chart Description
No. of Resources

What the chart shows

The chart shows how many resources there are in your team per month during a specified period. It is the sum of the direct resources in your team and resources in your sub-teams. Both named and unnamed resources are counted.

What the chart may tell you

The chart can indicate the staff turnover during a given period. For example, you may find one month has more staff reduction than other months.

Tip: The No. of Resources portlet provides the same chart as the No. of Resources chart.

What if you care more about your team capacity

If you think your team is relatively stable, and you care more about your team capacity, you can go to the Team Heatmap tab.

For details about Team Heatmap, see Team Heatmap.

Total Running Cost

What the chart shows

The chart shows how much it costs to run a team per month during a specified period. The Running Cost represents the cost of paying for each resource in your team.

How running cost is calculated

Payment of a resource = Resource participation in the team x Resource cost rate.

Tip: Total Running Cost portlet provides the same chart as the Total Running Cost chart.

Extra right required to view the chart

If the team is already viewable, you must also have one of the following permissions in order to view this chart:

  • Have the View All Resource Pools Cost access grant
  • Have the View Resource Pool Cost access grant and is added to the Configure Access page of the team's associated resource pool where you are given the View Cost right.
Total Billable Cost chart

What the chart shows

The chart shows how much your team can gain from assigning it to projects. You can also understand it as recoverable cost, the amount of money that a team earns to offset the running cost.

How billable cost is calculated

Billable cost = Assigned effort of team/team resource * Cost rate of team/team resource

It is the forecast labor cost of your team assignment. This is shown in more details in the Costs view of the staffing profiles where your team is assigned. For details, see View forecast labor costs from staffing profile.

Extra right required to view the chart

Same as who can view the running cost chart.

Total Running Cost vs. Total Billable Cost chart

What the chart shows

The chart shows comparison between running cost and billable cost.

What the chart may tell you

It straightforwardly tells you whether or not your team makes profit and how your team’s financial performance is over time.

Extra right required to view the chart

Same as who can view the running cost chart.