ALM - Request For Change Workflow

The ALM - Request For Change workflow is the sequence of approvals, decisions, or actions by which the RFC is processed. The RFC starts at the beginning of the workflow. When the RFC reaches the end of the workflow, its lifecycle is complete.

Upon creation, an ALM - Request For Change (RFC) request is automatically set to use the ALM - Request For Change workflow.

Figure 3-3 shows the workflow. Table 3-3 lists the important steps in the workflow and the user roles associated with those steps.

Figure 3-3. ALM - Request For Change workflow

Table 3-3. ALM - Request For Change workflow steps


User Security


1. Filter Request

ALM - Change Manager

Perform initial review and classification of the change request, and determine if this RFC is acceptable based on company policy.

4. SOX - In Scope System?

Fully automated step

SOX requires identification of key systems related to accurate financial reporting, directly or indirectly. This field is automatically determined based on the system selected.

3. SOX - Impact Assessment

ALM - SOX - System Owner

SOX requires additional impact assessment for any change that could affect financial reporting. The impact of not doing the change must be considered as well.

6. Allocate Priority

ALM - Change Manager

Validate RFC priority and determine if this is an Urgent Change request.

5. Urgent/Emergency Changes


Call a subworkflow designed to handle urgent or emergency changes, described in ALM - RFC - Urgent Change Management Sub WF Subworkflow.

9. Change Review and Approval Sub WF

ALM - Change Manager

Call a subworkflow to manage the review and approval process for the RFC, described in ALM - Change Review and Approval Sub WF Subworkflow. (This subworkflow can, in turn, call the ALM - Impact & Resource Assessment Sub WF subworkflow.)

7. Authorize & Schedule Change

ALM - Change Manager

Authorize the change request and schedule change for implementation.

11. Application Change?

ALM - Change Manager

Determine if this is an application change.

13. Infrastructure Changes Sub WF


Call a subworkflow to handle non-application changes, described in ALM - Infrastructure Changes Sub WF Subworkflow.

12. Detailed Design

ALM - Application Developer

Create functional and design specification documents.

14. Build Application Change

ALM - Application Developer

Build application code for the change.

15. Create Package

ALM - Application Developer

Create a package with the code changes.

This step automatically creates a package and adds the package as a reference to the RFC request. ALM - Request For Change Workflow illustrates a typical RFC package.

17. Plan Tests Sub WF


Call a subworkflow to manage the test planning process for the RFC, described in ALM - Plan Tests Sub WF Subworkflow.

20. Build

ALM - Change Builder

Build the change, in preparation for implementation. For an application change, add code components to the referenced package in the PPM Workbench (see the Create Package step).

21. Release Decision

ALM- Change Builder

Select the option to implement this application change as part of a release or independently.

22. Deploy and Test Changes Sub WF


Call a subworkflow for deploying and testing changes, described in ALM - Deploy and Test Changes Sub WF Subworkflow.

23. Non Release Sub WF


Call a subworkflow for change deployment not involving a release, described in ALM - Non Release Sub WF Subworkflow.

24. Release Sub WF


Call a subworkflow for change deployment involving a release, described in ALM - Release Sub WF Subworkflow.

25. Change Working?

ALM - Change Manager

Review whether the change was successfully implemented with no adverse impact.

26. Implement Backout Plans

ALM - Operations Manager

If the change is not working, implement backout plans to back out the change from the LIVE environment.

27. Requestor Sign-Off

ALM - Change Manager

Get sign-off from the requestor of the change to acknowledge that the change was implemented.

28. Post Implementation Review

ALM - Change Manager

Review the change after implementation to determine whether the change process was followed correctly.

29. Close (Immediate Success) - 100%


Update status to Closed.

Step 15 in the ALM - Request for Change workflow creates a package to deploy and test changes, and the step adds the package as a reference to the RFC request. This package requires specifying a workflow, and the default is the ALM - Change Migration workflow, as shown in the example in Figure 3-4. Step 22 in the ALM - Request for Change workflow calls the ALM - Deploy and Test Changes Sub WF subworkflow to deploy and test the package.

Figure 3-4. Package created for ALM - Request For Change workflow