What's New in PPM 9.63

This section provides an overview of the features that were introduced or enhanced in PPM 9.63.

Demand Management enhancements

The following enhancements were added to the Demand Management module.

New section in request detail page: Dashboard

The Dashboard section was added to the request detail page.

  • PPM administrator can configure the dashboard for a request type from PPM menu: Open > Administration > Manage Request Types.

    For details, see Set up request data display mode.

  • When configured, the Dashboard section will appear in the request detail page, enabling you to collectively view the request information.

    For details, see Request Detail Page, Dashboard Section.

Copy request type rules

You can copy a request type rule from the same request type or from other request types.

For details, see Copy request type rules

Set up request relationships

You can set up a relationship between two requests by creating reciprocal fields in the request types.

For details, see Set up request relationships.

Grid View added for table component

Grid View was added for table component, enabling you to filter, group, and sort table component data.

For details, see Table Component Grid View.

Import table component from Excel

You can import the table component from Microsoft Excel on request details page.

For details, see Import table component from Excel.

New data mask for text area validation: HTML - Rich Text Field

A new data mask: HTML - Rich Text Field was added to text area validation. This new data mask is only available to a text area field of a request type or request header type.

For details, see Configure text area validations.

Prevent copying requests of a specific request type

You can disallow users to copy requests of a specific request type from the request detail page by setting the radio button Enabled Copy Request to No. However, users can still copy the requests by running the special command.

For details, see Configure general information for request types.

Improved visualization on request detail page

The viewing of request detail page is more user-friendly:

  • The request type and request number were displayed to the right of the action buttons when the page is scrolled down.

  • A new button: Back to Top was added to the left of the Save button. Clicking this button brings you to the very top of the page.

For details, see Top section.

Use REST API to associate references between existing requests

You can use the REST API put/dm/requests/{requestId}/addReference/{targetReqIds}/{refRelName} to associate references between existing requests.

For details, see Interactive REST API Help.

Request type advanced search also supports filtering by request header type

When using the REST API post/dm/requestTypes/{id}/requests/advancedSearch to run an advanced search for a given request type, you can also filter by request header type.

For details, see Interactive REST API Help.

Easier ways to make changes to RequestRulesUserLibrary.js take effect

You can use the following ways to make the changes to RequestRulesUserLibrary.js take effect:

  • Clean browser cache (press Ctrl + F5 in the web browser), or

  • Restart PPM Server, or

  • Set the parameter CHECK_STATIC_JS_FILES_UPDATES to true

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Portfolio Type

You can now use portfolio type to default or impose business rules (or portfolio settings) on portfolios that use the portfolio type.

  • The PMO can create and configure portfolio types to standardize the management of different sets of portfolios in the organization. The portfolio type "Enterprise" is included upon installation or upgrade. For details, see Portfolio types

  • When creating a portfolio, portfolio managers can select a portfolio type whose settings you want your portfolio to carry on. For details, see Create and configure your portfolio

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Platform enhancements

The following enhancements were added to the Platform module.

Customize icons for entity types

You can customize the icons for PPM entity types. The icons are displayed on the pages in the Portfolio Management module and Team Management module.

For details, see Customize icons for entity types

Edit List Validation Values improvements

  • You can edit user data of list validation values from the Edit List Validation Values page.

  • The check box Delete lookups not included in the Excel file was added to the Edit List Validation Values page to prevent deleting any values by mistake.

For details, see Edit list validation values from web UI

Note: You need to download the Validation Lookup Excel file again after the upgrade because any Excel files downloaded before the upgrade will not work anymore.

Copy table component rules

You can copy a table component rule from other table components.

For details, see Configure rules in table component.

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PPM-JIRA Integration updates

The following enhancements were added to PPM-Jira integration.

Select whether or not to import resources from JIRA to PPM

You can decide whether or not to import the resource assigned to a JIRA issue to the resource data field of the mapped PPM task.

For details, see Work Plan Integration Options.

Map Jira issue status to PPM leaf task status

You can map Jira issue status to PPM leaf task status in the Integration Configuration page.

For details, see Map following Jira issues statuses to PPM Task Status.

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Dashboard enhancements

The following enhancements were added to the Dashboard module.

Quick save when editing HTML+ portlet definition

When editing code for HTML+ portlet definitions, you can click the Quicksave button or press Ctrl and S to save your changes without reloading the page. As a result, you can test your HTML+ portlet and go back right to the place where you left and continue editing.

For details, see HTML+ portlets.

New chart types added to Self-Service portlet

The following new chart types were added to Self-Service portlet: Line chart, Area chart, Stacked area chart, Pie chart, and Donut chart.

For details, see Set up self-service portlets.

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Resource Management enhancements

The following enhancements were added to the Resource Management module.

Team assignment in work plan

If you turn on the feature toggle Team Assignment in Work Plan, when a team is assigned to a staffing profile position, the resources in this team can be assigned to work plan tasks.

For details, see Booking Multiple Resources on a Task.

Export staffing profile and resource pool search results to XLSX files

If you export the staffing profile and resource pool search results to Excel, they are exported to XLSX files instead of XLS files.

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Time Management enhancements

The following enhancements were added to the Time Management module.

Configure options for copy time sheet

PPM administrators can use feature toggles to decide:

  • whether users can copy a time sheet from web UI.

  • which data users can select to include in the copied time sheet.

For details, see Copy a time sheet.

Use Rest API to get pending time sheets

Time approvers can use the REST API Get/tm/timeSheets/approvable to get the list of time sheets that are pending for their approval.

For details, see Interactive REST API Help.

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Team Management enhancements

The following enhancement was added to the Team Management module.

Team Overview portlets

PPM provides two portlets: No. of Resources and Team Running Cost. You can add these two portlets to the Team Overview tab.

For details, see No. of Resources and Total Running Cost .

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Financial Management enhancements

The following enhancement was added to the Financial Management module.

Use new UI when searching cost rules

If you turn on the feature toggle Use New UI When Searching Cost Rules, when searching for cost rules, the returned cost rule list is displayed in the new UI. You can group the cost rules according to your needs.

For details, see Manage cost rules.

Note: Make sure your browser's Web Storage is enabled. This ensures the full functionality of the new UI is available.

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Kubernetes support (Beta)

PPM now supports Kubernetes environment.

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See also: